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Orebro, Švédsko
Bio Roxy's Café je soukromá, umělci vedená nezisková iniciativa Art Video Screening, která spolupracuje s dalšími kulturními organizacemi. Jejím cílem je podpora práce umělců. Videa umělců či MA studentů umění, která vznikla po roce 2004, maximální délky 8 minut mohou být nabídnuta k projekci do 22. února 2008.

WHO: Artists and MA Fine art students working with videoart.
WHAT: Art Video Screening, a video art event.
WHERE: Bio Roxy's Café, Orebro, Sweden
WHEN: 18-19th April 2008.
TO SUBMIT: More info and submission guidelines online.

DEADLINE: 22nd February 2008.

Art Video Screening is a private, artist-run and non-profit initiative, it's an event and platform focusing on video art and aims to support artists work. Art Video Screening doesn't have its own screening location, but is instead collaborating with other culture organizers.

Terms and conditions: (for more details, see submissionform)
The participant to Art Video Screening, agrees on the following: Working as an artist or is registered as an MA Fine Art student.

The duration of video works are maximum 8 minutes and have to be made after 2004.

All submissions, maximum of 3, have to have an acceptable screening quality and be suitable to show as a singel channel projection. Looped works, fiction-oriented or feature videos productions are not accepted.

All submitted works must either be stored on CD or DVD as uncompressed data-files, as .avi or .mov in DV PAL or on miniDV tape (PAL). Do not send works burnt as DVD-video.

Each work has to have the title and the artist's name in the beginning.

Submit by email only; contact details, synopsis, short bio and a CV(attached as .pdf or as a .doc (Word) document). And email one still image for each submitted video in JPEG-format, 300dpi.

If there is dialogue in the video(s) and its not in English, it must be subtitled in English.

The work(s) will not be returned.

There is no submission fee and Art Video Screening cannot offer any payment for screened works.

Další informace:


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