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Zabludowicz Collection výzva pro kurátory a kurátorky

Londýn, Velká Británie Zabludowicz Collection otevírá již podruhé tak zvané Zabludowicz Collection Curatorial Open, což je významná příležitost pro práci kurátorů a kurátorek v prostředí sbírky současného umění, jež získala mezinárodní renomé. Projekty budou vybrány v prosinci ředitelem Tate Modern Chrisem Decronem; spisovatelem Martinem Herbertem; Marií Lind, ředitelkou Tensta Konsthall a Anitou Zabludowicz, spoluzakladatelkou Zabludowicz Collection. Uzávěrka pro zasílání přihlášek je 1. listopadu 2011.
The Zabludowicz Collection is delighted to announce the second Zabludowicz Collection Curatorial Open, a major opportunity for curators to work with a contemporary art collection of international repute.

Continuing its commitment to working with artists and curators, the Zabludowicz Collection launched this annual initiative to encourage and support experimental curatorial practice. The Curatorial Open invites creative professionals to engage with the collection and propose a project for public exhibition and an accompanying publication and programme of events at 176 Prince of Wales Road to be realised in July and August 2012. The Curatorial Open seeks to actively engage new voices in the discussion around works in the Zabludowicz Collection, encouraging points of view from a variety of disciplines and transcending the confines of contemporary art curating.

Applications are invited from all arts professionals between 1 August and 1 November. Successful proposals will be selected in December by Chris Dercon, Director of Tate Modern, Martin Herbert, Writer, Maria Lind, Director of Tensta Konsthall and Anita Zabludowicz, co-founder of the Zabludowicz Collection.

This initiative builds upon the Zabludowicz Collection’s existing commitment to experimental curatorial practices, including previous projects with international curators and curating students such as The Library of Babel / In and Out of Place with Anna-Catharina Gebbers, Past-Forward with Vincent Honoré and the annual Testing Ground programme produced in collaboration with the MA curating students from the Royal College of Art and Goldsmiths College, London.
(31.08.2011) ZDROJ: Matyáš Chochola
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