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European Diploma 05/06 - kulturní management

Portugalsko a Švédsko
Program bruselské Nadace Marcela Hictera je zaměřen na vzdělávání kulturních managerů, posilování kulturní různorodosti a meziregionální výměny s cílem posílit roli kultury v Evropě. Program velmi specifickou náplní a metodologií zlepšuje dovednosti kulturních administrátorů v oblasti kulturního managementu a administrace a pomáhá účastníkům porozumět této práci v měnící se Evropě. Termín pro podání žádostí prodloužen do 1. února 2005.


The European Diploma in Cultural Project Management is a training and learning experience fostering cultural diversity and interregional exchanges as a way of giving culture a stronger place within Europe.

Through its content and methodology, this pan-European programme is specific in the way that it does not only aim at improving the skills of cultural administrators in the field of cultural management and administration, but also at helping the participants develop understanding of these fields in a changing Europe.

Its main aims are to make participants aware of challenges within their field of action and influence and to develop approaches and tools needed for co-operative and creative cultural workforce in Europe.


Since the establishment of the European Diploma in 1989, as a follow-up pilot project of the Council of Europe's, 350 professionals from 41 European and world countries, active in the field of cultural project management, took part to this training programme which is characterised by its innovative methodological approach and European open-mindedness.

The main objective of the programme is twofold :

  • to enable cultural managers, having already good management capacities, to better integrate their co-operation projects and actions - which links identity, culture and economy - in a European perspective.
  • to insert European projects in regional cultural development policies.


From May 24th of till June 5th 2005 First residential phase of two weeks in Sweden
from June till October 2005 Back to job and work on the project in home country + comparative study in another region.
Second half of October 2005 Second residential phase of two weeks in Portugal and Spain
from Nov. 2005 till May 2006 Back to job and further development of the project in home country.
June 2006 Evaluation phase of one week in Greece (European Cultural Centre of Delphi)

Participants are required to attend all the residential training sessions, without any exception.

The European Diploma 2005/2006 is the 15th edition of this pan-European training programme. It is organized by the :

Jean-Pierre DERU, Director
2, Place M. Van Meenen
B - 1060 Brussels
Tél: + 32 2 641 89 80
Fax: +32 2 641 89 81

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