Proculture: výzkumné, informační a vzdělávací centrum pro umění a kulturu
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Umění a kulturní průmysl přispívají kanadské ekonomice miliardami dolarů

V roce 2007 přispěl kanadský kulturní sektor k hrubému domácímu produktu Kanady částkou téměř 46 miliard dolarů tj. 3.8 procenty celkového HDP. Ze 60 ti stránkové zprávy zpracované think tankem "Conference Board of Canada" a kanadskou vládou však vyplývá, že ekonomické dopady kultury jsou mnohem širší. Dle zprávy přispěla kultura kanadské ekonomice celkem 84.6 miliardami dolarů, což představuje celkem 7.4 procenta celkového hrubého domácího produktu Kanady. Studie se zabývala nejen přímými, ale také nepřímými dopady kultury. Kulturní sektor v Kanadě představuje 1 milion pracovních míst. "Umění a kulturní průmysl mají nejen významný ekonomický dopad, přispívají také ke stimulaci kreativity v ostatních oblastech hospodářství". říká Michael Bloom, víceprezident organizace Organizational Effectivness and Learning.
News release 09-16
Arts And Cultural Industries Add Billions Of Dollars To Canadian Economy

Ottawa, August 26, 2008 — Canada’s cultural sector directly contributed about $46 billion—or 3.8 per cent—to overall Canadian gross domestic product (GDP) in 2007, according to a Conference Board report released today. Moreover, this analysis, Valuing Culture: Measuring and Understanding Canada’s Creative Economy, has determined that culture sector’s impact on the economy is much broader—$84.6 billion in 2007, or 7.4 per cent of total real GDP.

While there is a large and growing body of research that documents the economic value of the culture sector, this report is the most comprehensive study to date, taking into account the substantial direct, indirect, and induced contributions of the culture sector, which together resulted in over a million jobs in the Canadian economy.

“Not only does the arts and cultural industry make a valuable economic contribution in its own right, it also stimulates creative activity in other sectors of the economy,”
said Michael Bloom, Vice-President, Organizational Effectiveness and Learning.

“Countries around the world, as well as many cities and regions, recognize that a dynamic culture sector plays a key role as a magnet for talent, enhances economic output, and acts as a catalyst for prosperity.”

Arts and culture industries employed about 616,000 people in 2003, almost four per cent of national employment. However, the culture sector contributed a total of 1.1 million jobs when direct, indirect and induced effects are taken into account.

Opportunities for growth in the culture sector are being driven by digital technologies and exploding use of the Internet. These technologies allow content producers distribute their works to a wide audience and consumers to participate directly in creating cultural content.

This research was part of a multi-faceted project in collaboration with the Department of Canadian Heritage. The International Forum on the Creative Economy, held in March 2008, brought together 200 scholars, researchers, professionals, industry leaders, and public officials from across Canada and around the world. The conference proceedings and a compendium report—including academic papers from leading researchers from around the world—are available at

For more information contact:
Brent Dowdall, Media Relations,
Tel: (613) 526-3090 ext. 448
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