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British Council spustil nový portál o kreativním exportu

Nové webové stránky mají informovat o možnostech rozvoje exportních strategií, které by pozvedly kreativitu, ekonomickou soutěživost a mezinárodní spolupráci umělců ve Velké Británii. Informují o možnostech v různých sektorech a zahrnují příkladové studie.

Artists in the UK considering an international market for their work can now consult a one-stop-shop website designed to serve the creative industries.

CreativeExport is managed by the British Council with support from UK Trade & Investment, and offers the creative industries a portal to information and support in the development of export strategies, economic competitiveness and international collaboration.

The website highlights opportunities across different sectors, examines case studies and connects users with contacts that can assist their export ambitions. It also provides details of government services that can help artists take their work overseas, offers a comprehensive listing of funding sources, an event listing, forums and newsletter.

Organisers hope the site will provide concrete opportunities for creative industry workers in the UK to expand their international horizons.

Visit CreativeExport online at 

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