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Cena za výzkum v evropské kulturní politice

Cena Evropské kulturní nadace, síťové organizace ENCACT a banky Riksbankens Jubileumsfond je určena pro mladé akademiky, výzkumníky a politiky do 35 let, kteří dosáhli titulu MgA. v oblasti společenských věd, veřejné správě či umění. Jejím cílem  je rozšířování základního a aplikovaného výzkumu v oblasti aktuálních témat evropské kulturní politiky. Úkolem ceny je též posílení kompetencí vědeckých pracovníků/pracovnic v oblasti komparativního výzkumu kulturní politiky. Mezi doporučená témata výzkumu patří; nadnárodní dimenze kulturní politiky; evropská kulturní politika na globálním poli; sociální rozměr kulturní politiky; hodnoty a etika v kulturní politice.  Výše ceny je 10. 000 Euro. Uzávěrka projektů je 30. května 2011.
Cultural Policy Research Award
The Award should stimulate research on issues that challenge Europe today
The Cultural Policy Research Award was launched in 2004 by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and since 2008, is developed in partnership with ENCATC.

Designed to foster academic and applied cultural policy research and to explore issues at stake in contemporary Europe, the Cultural Policy Research Award aims to contribute to new competence building among young scholars in comparative cultural policy research.

Through the CPRA annual competition, the program partners aim to encourage and enable cultural policy researchers to take a step from evaluative (descriptive) to comparative applied research that can inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the field. The Award is devoted to research projects which shed light on contemporary European cultural issues and challenges by analyzing them and offering policy solutions.

Since 2004, onwards of seven promising young researchers have won the Award which represents an important achievement for them in this discipline, and a key step in the production of new knowledge. By having more than 75 young researchers involved in the annual competition, the CPRA has widened the map of young cultural policy researchers in Europe, and raised their visibility and recognition.

The CPR Award competition is open to candidates from all European countries (Council of Europe Member States).

Candidates must be able to speak and write in English.

Young academics, researchers and policymakers are eligible for the 10,000 Euro award.

Candidates must be educated to M.A. level in social sciences, art & humanities, or public policy research, and must be no older than 35 at the time of applying.

Candidates will be assessed according to their qualifications, the relevance of their research project to cultural policy issues, and their vision of how policy recommendations could be implemented.

Only applications submitted through the online application form on the CPR Award website will be accepted.

Applicants should take into account the Jury’s time constraints - the application documents should be clear and concise. The online application form consists of seven sections (steps):

. Applicant contact
. Applicant CV
. Relevant research paper in English, French, German or Spanish
. Cultural policy research proposal - Project information
. Cultural policy research proposal - Research plan
. Reference
. Questionnaire

Applications should be in English.

Only one proposal per individual researcher will be considered. Once the application has been sent, no further changes can be made. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The Jury will review all applications and select the winner. If necessary, the finalists of the competition (two or three applicants) could be scheduled for a telephone conference interview.

The award will enable the proposed research to be carried out (within one year of the award being presented).

The CPR Award winner is expected to contribute to certain conferences and debates organized by the ECF.

Guiding thematic directions:

* The Award should stimulate research on issues that challenge Europe today
* The Award should stimulate applied and comparative research aspects of European cultural policies.
* By "European", we mean the region formed by Council of Europe Member States.
* The research can apply comparative local, regional, national, large regions and European Union levels.

4 main (but not exclusive) issues the competition will focus on in 2011:

1. Developing intercultural and trans-national dimensions of cultural policies

Cultural policies are supposed to "manage diversity" through concrete policy instruments.
- Development of inter-cultural policies
- Interaction between these policies at regional, national and supra-national level
- Trans-national dimensions

2. European cultural policies in the context of globalisation
Globalisation processes impact cultural production and participation, as well as cultural policies.
- Main challenges and strategies for European cultural policies
- Main challenges for cultural diversity in Europe
- How cultural policies of states, regions or supranational organisations respond to these challenges.

3. Social dimensions of cultural policies

The social dimensions of cultural policies are becoming a wider cross-cutting area both in theory and practice.
- Cultural participation and equal access
- Culture and development, cohesion
- Quality of life

4. Values and ethics in cultural policy
Cultural policy decisions are influenced by political contexts and cultural values.
- Cultural values and political priorities
- Cultural rights and cultural policy ethics
- Ethical limits in cultural policy decisions (corruption, clientelism, etc.)
Deadline: 30/05/11
Elizabeth Darley
Place Flagey 18
B-1050  Bruxelles
tel: +32 2 201 29 12
(24.02.2011) ZDROJ:

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