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Mezinárodní soutěž pro studenty scénických umění

Curych, Švýcarsko Mezinárodní soutěž pro studenty scénických umění s tématem drama Georga Whyta "Dreyfus Intime", které bylo inspirováno obsahem vzájemné korespondence mezi Alfredem Dreyfusem a jeho ženou Lucií během Dreyfusova vyhnanství na Ďábelských ostrovech stejně jako dílem Emila Zoly "Žaluji". Soutěž se koná pod záštitou organizací Cultural link, Zurich; Dreyfus Society for Human Rights Bonn/London; SuisseTHEATRE ITI/International Theatre Institute. V roce 2009 se přihlašují záměry jednotlivých produkcí a o rok později se již zasílají  produkce a to ve formě DVD či video záznamu.Vítězná produkce obdrží 10.000 USD. Soutěž není určena divadelní společnosti ani amatérské soubory. Uzávěrka pro předkládání přihlášek je 30. června 2009.   
International Competition

Applications by 30 June 2009

Under the patronage of Culture Link, Zürich    Dreyfus Society for Human Rights, Bonn/London SuisseTHEATRE ITI/International Theatre Institute

Academies/Universities of Performing Arts, Theatre Schools worldwide are invited to submit productions by their students (acting, directing, music) of

„Dreyfus Intime“ A Drama by George Whyte with Music

Cast:             Alfred Dreyfus, Lucie Dreyfus, Emile Zola/Narrator, Pianist

Content:     Based on the correspondence between Alfred Dreyfus and his wife Lucie during his exile on Devil’s Island and excerpts from Emile Zola’s „ J’Accuse“

Languages:     The text of ‚Dreyfus Intime’ is available in German, English, French, Hungarian, Czech and Hebrew. It may however be staged in the language of the applicant’s country (the cost of translation being met by the particular Academy or its sponsors)

30 June 2009:     Deadline for the application to be submitted by email to:   

2009/2010:         Submission of productions for the competition

30 June 2010:    All entries of productions,  on DVD or Video tape, must be postmarked on or before 30 June 2010

Competition Submission Guidelines & Registration:
After receipt of a request by email for the Registration Form, it will be sent to the applicant with full details of the guidelines.  On receipt and acceptance of the completed Registration Form, the production material (text, score of „Dreyfus Intime“) will be forwarded.

Competition Jury:  An international jury of competent theatre personalities will select the winning production

Prize:    The winning production will receive a prize of US$ 10'000  and may be invited for a performance at an appropriate festival.
This competition is not open to Theatre Companies or amateur groups.

Information on the Dreyfus Affair may be obtained from the Dreyfus Society’s website:

Further information about the competition: 


(07.04.2009) ZDROJ: České centrum ITI

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