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Universal Design Award 2009

V roce 2008 byla společností Universal Design GmbH ve spolupráci s International Forum Design odstartována Světová cena v designu (Universal Design Award). V roce 2009 bude tato cena opět vyhlášena s tím, že poprvé budou do hodnocení designu zahrnuti také laikové z řad budoucích uživatelů výrobků. Do soutěže se mohou přihlásti produktoví designéři, grafičtí designéři, výrobci, architekti, interiéroví designéři aj. Designérská díla je možné přihlásit do 15. prosince 2008.
Universal design Award 2009

Last year the universal design GmbH launched in partnership with iF International Forum Design GmbH the universal design award as a new communication tool. Its target groups consist of the business, research and political community. A total of 131 entries from 18 nations were submitted for the "universal design awards 08" competition.

What is special about the universal design awards is its active inclusion of representative user groups.

All entries submitted are eligible for:

* Adjudication by a jury of experts, with award-winning entries here receiving the distinction of "universal design award 09"

* Consideration by a representative consumer survey consisting of 100 test persons, with award winning entries here receiving the distinction of "universal design consumer favorite 09".

This competition not only sensitizes the public to the topic of universal design, but invites it to actively participate in deciding which entries promise the greatest possible benefit
for their target audience.
For futher information:


Rylana Büter

Fon +49 (0)511/89-32435
Fax +49 (0)511/89-30046

(04.11.2008) ZDROJ: Interantional Forum of Design
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