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Výzva k účasti na 1. mezinárodní choreografické soutěži, Řím 2.-6.7. 2011

Soutěž se koná rámci 10. ročníku PREMIO ROMA DANZA, organizovaném  Italskou národní taneční akademií ve spolupráci s ImPulsTanz - vídeňským mezinárodním tanečním festivalem a Washingtonským baletem a Nadací Veronské areny a  je  otevřená pro choreografy všech národností, bez limitu věku, choreografických žánrů a stylů. Nositel/ka první ceny obdrží 12 000 Euro. Uzávěrka 30. dubna 2011.

X Edition
International Choreographic Competition
National Academy of Dance Grand Theater
July 2-6, 2011
National Academy of Dance
ImPulsTanz-Vienna International Dance Festival
in collaboration with:
Washington Ballet - Arena of Verona Foundation
Rules & Regulations
Article 1
The International Choreography Competition is organized by Rome National Academy of Dance and ImPulsTanz-Vienna International Dance Festival, in collaboration with Arena of Verona Foundation, with the organizational support of National Academy of Dance Foundation.
Article 2
Choreographers of any nationality and age may participate in the Competition.
Article 3
Competitors registration on July 1st , 2011, from 2 pm. to 8 pm.
The Competition will take place from July 2nd to 6st according to the following schedule:
July 2nd – Preliminary Round, First Group
July 3rd – Preliminary Round, Second Group
July 4th – Preliminary Round, Third Group and Semifinals
July 5th – Finals
July 6th – Winners Grand Gala

Article 4
Competing pieces must fulfill the following conditions:
• duration from up to 15 minutes max;
• number of dancers/performers up to 8 max per group; minors may perform only in compliance with the Police Regulations and according to the Italian laws;
• pieces may belong to any choreographic style, with no restrictions;
• Music should be recorded on electronic device. Live music is allowed only if the number of
participants does not exceed the one indicated above for each group.

Article 5
The Jury is composed by 5 members, including the President, and appointed by the Artistic Directors. Jury members will be selected among worldwide renowned personalities of dance. The Jury's decisions are final. The Jury's work is regulated by specific regulations, laying down its operating procedures. During its work, the Jury will be provided with a Secretary, appointed by the Artistic Directors.

Article 6

Official prizes:
• First Prize: € 12.000,00 (twelve thousand Euros)
• Second Prize: € 7.000,00 (seven thousand Euros)
• Third Prize: € 4.000,00 (four thousand Euros)

Each winner will be awarded one of the following additional benefits:
• The "Washington Ballet Choreographic Fellowship" award and engagement for creating an original work for The Washington Ballet or The Washington Ballet Studio Company in Washington DC;
• Engagement for staging a new choreography at Arena di Verona Foundation;
• Artistic residence at ImPulsTanz-Vienna International Dance Festival;

Other Special Prizes:
• Roma Formula Futuro Prize for best interpretation;
• Main Sponsor's Prize for Best Group (at least three dancers);
• Fausto Maria Falchi's Special Prize;
• Medal of the President of the Italian Republic for Italian Talent.

Article 7
Performers and choreographers must be ready for rehearsals and stage setting since July 1st. All the competitors are obliged to observe strictly the rehearsals and performance timetable, on pain of exclusion from the Competition.

Article 8
The Competition will provide competitors with stage and sound/lighting technical equipment, according to the technical rider, downloadable from the Competition’s website:

Article 9
Competing groups should provide the Competition's Secretary with the name and phone number of their group leader for him to be reachable whenever needed for urgent communications. The group’s choreographer is liable for all his legally or professionally significant acts and statements in accordance with both public and criminal codes.

Article 10
Preselection. The Artistic Direction, at its own final discretion, will preselect 40 choreographers max to be admitted to the Competition. Choreographers, in order to participate in the preselection, should provide the following full documentation and material:
1. Preregistration Form, downloadable from the Competition's website, including information about the choreographic project, music's composer and title, duration, number and name of the performers, piece's title technical requirements, etc., correctly filled and signed.
2. A copy of the payment receipt of the preselection fee;
3. DVD (3 copies) with any own choreographic work, lasting max 15 minutes;
4. Personal biography;
5. CD (2 copies) with recorded music;
6. One head shot and one full body photo;
7. A photocopy of I.D. or passport;
8. A medical certificate stating healthy and strong constitution of each participant;
9. Authorization, allowing Rome National Academy of Dance to handle participants' personal data for the only purposes related to the Competition, in accordance with Government Statute no. 196/2003; the National Academy of Dance is only liable for the data handling;
10. Statement of acquittance from music copyright credits or authorization by the music copyright holder(s), releasing the Competition's organizing committee from any and all charge and liability towards the copyright owner(s);
11. choreographer's authorization allowing the National Academy of Dance to use his choreography for teaching purposes.

The above mentioned documents should be sent via e-mail or posted not later than April 30th, 2011 to the following address:
Concorso Internazionale Coreografia
Accademia Nazionale di Danza
Largo ArrigoVII, 5 – 00153 Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 06 571762405—Fax. +39 06 5780994

For posted material, the postmarked date is acceptable as only proof of the date of postage.
The preselection fee of € 80.00 (eighty Euros) should be paid not later than April 30th , 2011 to:
Accademia Nazionale di Danza – Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena agenzia 6
IBAN: IT33A0103003206000001769105 – BIC: PASCITM1RM6.
Name of transaction: “PREMIO ROMA DANZA 2011”. Only the bank receipt will be accepted as proof of payment. The preselection fee is not refundable in any case.

Article 11
Applications with uncompleted information according to Art. 10 or sent after the deadline of April 30th 2011 will be rejected.

Article 12
The list of 40 choreographers, admitted to the Competition, will be published on the Competition's site within May 30th 2011. Admitted participants should pay the registration fee of € 100 (hundred Euros) on July 1st 2011 while registering.

Article 13
The organizing committee will take in charge accommodation in apart-hotels in twin beds or three beds rooms for the competitors during their participation in the competition. Eventual requests for single rooms may be accepted depending on availability and under prepayment by the guest of the additional cost. Transfers from the hotel to the Competition's location and back, in accordance with the working schedule, will also be on charge of the organizing committee. All other expenses (international transfers, meals, etc.) will be on charge of the competitors.

Article 14
Choreographers, dancers and technical staff of each competing group should sign a free release allowing broadcasts, photographs, audio and video recordings of their performance, including the winners’ Grand Gala which will be recorded by RAI UNO and broadcast in July. Competitors must also be available for interviews and other press or documentary purposes.

Article 15
The organizing committee will handle the participants' personal information according to the Italian law about privacy protection and its implementing rules.

Article 16
The registration involves the full acceptance of all the competition's rules and regulations and obliges registered competitors to act in compliance with them.

Article 17
The organizing committee's procedures and the Jury's decisions are final.

Artcle 18
In case of disputes, the Italian text and the jurisdiction of the Rome Court of Justice will be the only valid.

(31.03.2011) ZDROJ: ITI

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