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Středoevropská iniciativa - podpora spolupráce v roce 2005

Lublaň, Slovinsko
Středoevropská iniciativa vyhlásila termíny pro podporu projektů. V akčním plánu 2004-2006 jsou pro kulturu definovány dvě priority: konzervace hmotného i nehmotného kulturního dědictví a přenos know how v oblasti kulturního managementu. Středoevropská iniciativa vznikla jako mezivládní fórum pro politickou, ekonomickou a kulturní spolupráci mezi členskými státy: Albánie, Rakousko, Bělorusko, Bosna a Hercegovina, Bulharsko, Chorvatsko, Česká republika, Maďarsko, Itálie, Makedonie, Moldávie, Polsko, Rumunsko, Slovensko, Slovinsko, Ukrajina a Jugoslávie. Termíny jsou 1. dubna a 1. října 2005.

Ljubljana, Slovenija
Central European Initiative - Srednjeevropska pobuda CEI Funding of Co-operation Activities

Call for applications for funding a CEI Co-operation Activity.

Deadlines for calls: 1 April (for implementation from July to December) 1 October (for implementation from January to June).


  1. Co-operation Activities cover the full range of CEI activities. They are generally small in scale, limited in time and frequently take the form of seminars, workshops, training courses or other kinds of meetings.
  2. Co-operation Activities are co-financed from the CEI Co-operation Fund or the CEI Trust Fund at the EBRD.
  3. Co-operation Activities should be compatible with the CEI Plan of Action. Preference will be given to applications which are in line with the priorities reflected in the Plan of Action.
  4. Co-operation Activities should be open to the participation of all CEI Member States. They have to involve at least two CEI Member States. Preference will be given to applications which foresee the participation of a large number of CEI Member States.
  5. Preference will also be given to applications coming from CEI Member States "having the greatest need for accelerated economic development or recovery" (Sarajevo Declaration).
  6. The CEI visibility needs to be guaranteed.
  7. The quality of the project and its contribution to the realisation of the overall goals of the CEI will be taken into account in deciding on the financial support to be allocated to it.
  8. While the CEI contribution may, as a maximum, reach 50% of the total cost, this percentage will only be applied in exceptional cases. In general, it is expected that the CEI's financial contribution is complemented substantially by other sources of financing.
  9. The cost estimate needs to be realistic and reflect real needs and expenses in a manner which can be verified.
  10. There must be a clear organisational structure with a person responsible for project implementation and fully accountable for the use of the allocated resources.
  11. If after the approval of the application any changes occur with regard to the date, venue, title, scope etc. of a Cooperation Activity, the CEI Secretariat needs to be informed immediately in order to evaluate the consequences of this change for the approved amount of financial support.


  1. Applications originating from institutions of Member States should be submitted to the CEI Secretariats through CEI National Co-ordinators.
  2. In order to enable appropriate processing, the application for the planned activity needs to reach the CEI Secretariats on 1 April (for implementation from July to December) and on 1 October (for implementation from January to June).
  3. The application should contain a clear outline of the activity, the projected participation, the preparation and follow-up as well as any co-organising institutions and/or governments.
  4. The expected results of the event (e.g. training effect, transfer of knowledge and technology, cross-border co-operation, harmonisation of national legislation, integration effects, dissemination, publication, etc.) should be indicated.
  5. A detailed budget estimate with a breakdown of costs (e.g. travel expenses, accommodation, publications, speaker fees, administrative fees, etc.) is needed.
  6. The use of the contribution requested from the CEI should be specified. The CEI, in principle, does not pay organisational or administrative costs. The CEI contribution can only be used for participants coming from CEI Member States.
  7. In addition to the person responsible for project implementation, another person has to assume the responsibility for the financial management.


  1. Once a Co-operation Activity has been approved by the CNC, you will be informed by the CEI Secretariats on its outcome and, as appropriate, be given additional explanations on the implementation and monitoring of the project.
  2. The disbursement of the authorised CEI contribution may take place after the conclusion of the project. Normally, however, it is transferred to the organiser in two instalments.
  3. Prior to the start of the Co-operation Activity you can request an advance payment of up to 50% of the authorised CEI contribution.
  4. Once the Co-operation Activity is terminated, the remaining amount will be made available on the basis of expenses actually incurred.
  5. This second and final disbursement cannot exceed the originally authorised CEI contribution. This means that the authorised amount and/or percentage of the CEI contribution to the total cost cannot be increased. It will, however, be lower, should certain budgeted expenses not have been made or not be adequately justified.
  6. The financial support is conditional upon the use of the CEI logo. You must, therefore, be in a position to prove that you have: - used the CEI logo alongside the main title of the event on the cover page; - exhibited the CEI logo proportional in size and visibility on the announcement of the event outside of the building and/or inside the meeting room; - exhibited CEI posters sent to you by the CEI Secretariats; - distributed to participants the information material sent to you by the CEI Secretariats (please produce and make available to all participants copies of this material).

CEI: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine, Yugoslavia Rok prijave: 01/04 - 01/10/05

Ministrstvo za kulturo RS - s pripisom Srednjeevropska pobuda
Vesna Jurca-Tadel
Maistrova 10
1000 Ljubljana
tel.: (01) 369 59 00
fax: (01) 369 59 01

The origin of the CEI lies in the agreement signed in Budapest on 11 November 1989 (only few days after the dramatic events in Berlin) by Italy, Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia, establishing a platform for mutual political, economic, scientific and cultural co-operation called Quadrilateral Co-operation. In May 1990 with the admission of Czechoslovakia, it became the Pentagonal Initiative, and in 1991, following the adhesion of Poland, it was renamed the Hexagonal Initiative. Following the dissolution of former Yugoslavia, the Vienna Summit in July 1992 admitted the Republics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia, and approved the renaming of the grouping as Central European Initiative. With the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1993, both its former parts, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, were admitted to the CEI. At the Budapest Summit in 1993 a proposal for the admission of Macedonia (tenth member of the Initiative) was approved. In 1993 the Secretariat for CEI Projects started operating at the EBRD in London.n


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