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Evropská kulturní nadace - granty 2005

Podporu nezávislým projektům malých a středně velkých kulturním organizací, jejichž těžištěm je rozvoj spolupráce a posílení kulturní dimenze bohaté různorodosti Evropy, poskytuje Evropská kulturní nadace sídlící v Amsterdamu. Termíny v roce 2005 jsou 31. ledna a 15. září 2005.

European Cultural Foundation - ECF
European Cultural Foundation's Grants scheme 2005

Support of independent cultural projects.

In an enlarged EU where there is a lack of accessible funding for cross border projects, we remain convinced that grants for small to medium-sized cultural organizations are an essential part of developing collaborative practice and boosting the cultural dimension of a richly diverse Europe. ECF will only support projects that clearly relate to ECF in-house activities. This does not mean that they will apply unnecessarily rigid criteria. It is up to you to explain the link between your work and ECF current areas of interest. They welcome applications that will surprise them, and they are ready to take some risks.

Your project should be relevant to one or more of the following areas of interest:

  • Intercultural competence and collaboration across borders
  • Increased participation in the arts and the media
  • The cultural dimension of EU enlargement
  • Strategies for change within cultural infrastructures
  • Creative responses to current political issues
  • Development of a common public and cultural European space

You may choose to focus on one interest alone or you can explore links between different concerns if your project has a broader scope. Your chances of being awarded a grant will bear no relation to the number of different areas of interest you mention.

They are looking for quality, originality and the strength of your project's relevance to the Foundation's objectives.

European Cultural Foundation
Jan van Goyenkade 5
1075 HN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel.: +31 (0) 20 573 38 68
fax: +31 (0) 20 675 2231

(28.12.2004) ZDROJ: ECF

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