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Rockefeller Archive Center - granty na výzkum

Sleepy Hollow, New York, USA
Centrum Rockefellerova Archivu vyhlásilo program na podporu těch, kdo chtějí bádat v Rockefellerových sbírkách, které zahrnují umění, zemědělství, afro-americkou historii, vzdělání, mezinárodní vztahy a ekonomický rozvoj, medicínu, filantropii, politiku, náboženství, vědu... Zájemci z jiných zemí než Kanada a Spojených států mohou žádat o podporu do výše 4 000 USD. Termín podání žádostí je 30. listopadu 2005.

Deadline: November 30, 2005

The Rockefeller Archive Center's competitive programs are designed to provide assistance to scholars who need to visit the Rockefeller Archive Center in Sleepy Hollow, New York, to conduct research in its collections. The Archive Center's programs do not support research at other institutions, and they do not provide general tuition support.

The Rockefeller Archive Center's annual Grant-in-Aid Program offers support to scholars in any discipline who are engaged in research that requires extensive use of the archival collections housed at the center. Scholars from within the United States and Canada may apply for grants of up to $3,000; because of the additional cost of travel, scholars from other nations may request up to $4,000.

The Rockefeller Archive Center offers its Scholar-in-Residence Program to provide researchers the opportunity for an extended period of concentrated research in the collections housed at the Archive Center. The Scholar-in- Residence Program is designed to foster, promote, and support research in the historical collections at the center. Strengths of the center's collections include agriculture, the arts, African-American history, education, international relations and economic development, labor, medicine, philanthropy, politics, population, religion, science, the social sciences, social welfare, and women's history. Each Resident Scholar receives a stipend of $5,000 per month for between two and nine months of study and research at the center. Researchers from any discipline who are engaged in studies that require an extended period of research in the collections at the center are encouraged to apply. Prior research experience at the Archive Center is required.

(05.09.2005) ZDROJ: Foundation Center

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