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USArtists International 2007 - podpora amerických umělců na evropských festivalech

USArtists International, je programem National Endowment  for the Arts, který řídí Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation a jeho úkolem je podporovat působivou škálu výrazů a tvorby amerických umělců na mezinárodních festivech v zahraniční. Granty jsou poskytovány profesionálním americkým tanečním a hudebním  souborům (včetně folklórních a tradičních), které dostaly pozvání na festivaly v zemích Evropské unie, tedy i v České repupublice. Termíny podání žádostí v roce 2007 jsou 15. ledna a 7. května.

USArtists International to Support U.S. Dance and Music 

Ensembles at Festivals in Europe
Deadline: January 15, 2007; and May 7, 2007

USArtists International, a program of the National Endowment  for the Arts ( ) managed by the Mid  Atlantic Arts Foundation ( ),  is committed to ensuring that the impressive range of expression and creativity of the U.S. performing arts is represented  at international festivals abroad.
Grants are available to U.S. dance and music ensembles that  have been invited to participate in international festivals  in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the  Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,  Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,  Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,  the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
 To be eligible, applicants must be a dance or music ensemble  (including practitioners of folk and traditional forms) that  works at a professional level; be made up of individuals who  are citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.; and be a
 501(c)(3) organization or have a fiscal agent that is a
 501(c)(3) organization.

Eligible festivals must take place in one of the twenty-five  countries of the European Union and be sponsored or organized  primarily by a non-U.S. based organization; be international  in scope with representation from at least two countries out-  side the host country, or have a U.S. theme with representation  from at least three U.S. performing groups; reach a wide public  audience and be open to the general public; and provide the  applicant with a letter of invitation to perform.
Grants will seldom cover the applicant's total expenses and  will generally range from $1,000 to $10,000 each. Grants will  not exceed $15,000.
The deadlines for 2007 are as follows:

Round I -- January 15,  2007; and Round II -- May 7, 2007.
Visit the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Web site for complete  program guidelines and application procedures:

(23.10.2006) ZDROJ: Foundation Center

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