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Susan Quinn’s Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance

Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance nabízí profesionální taneční vzdělávání, které připravuje mladé tanečníky na profesionální kariéru choreografů a performerů moderního tance. Konkurz , který se bude konat 16. dubna 2005 v Praze v Divadle Alfred ve dvoře se týká tříletého programu studia současného tance (Artists in Process) , ročního studia International Choreographic Exchange (I.C.E.) (post graduální). Uzávěrka přihlášek 1. dubna 2005.

Konkurz proběhne:
16. 4. 13:00 – 16:00 v divadle Alfred ve dvoře
uzávěrka přihlášek je 1. dubna 2005 !!!

Auditions 2005

for the three year professional program for contemporary dance (Artists in Process) & for International Choreographic Exchange (I.C.E.)

A professional dance education that trains young dancers for a professional career as a choreographer or performer in contemporary dance is offered in Salzburg/Austria.

SEAD is the ideal place for a student who wants first class training in contemporary, ballet, chroeography and theoretical studies. SEAD students create and perform their own choreography and dance in pieces made by our international guest choreographers. Students are challenged artistically and have a full school curriculum for a period of three to four years.

The program Artists in Process enables young dancers to work on their technical skills in ballet and contemporary, to study choreography, composition, improvisation, dance analysis, music, theatre, anatomy, pilates and yoga, and to sharpen their awareness of different styles and methods, to widen their understanding of modern art and be invited to participate in productions with many choreographers from all over the world.

The program International Choreographic Exchange – I.C.E. is for creative students who have completed a professional training program and have the wish for one post graduate year devoted to choreographic research, technical study and reflective writing. Students attending the I.C.E. program are expected to take part in all of the technical classes offered to the third year in the professional training program.The major focus for the I.C.E. student is on a written research thesis and one work of choreography which is performed in the course of the study year.

People who need to be prepared for the technical level & the amount of energy and concentration that’s required in SEAD can apply for the Preparatory First program.

The audition dates 2005:

Brussels .........…..….march 5th
Barcelona .......………march 5th
Zagreb .............……..march 11th
Salzburg ..........….….march 12th
Düsseldorf .......……..march 19th
Vienna..............……..march 19th
New York ......……....march 19th
Ancona ..........…..........april 2nd
Warsaw ........…...........april 2nd
Dublin .......…..….….…april 9th
Stockholm ...….....……april 9th
Prague .........….....…...april 16th
Salzburg .........…..…...april 16th
Ljubljana .....……..…...april 23rd

Guest faculty includes:

Rebecca Murgi (I)
Martin Sonderkamp (D/TR)
Joao da Silva (BR)
Libby Farr (USA)
Bruno Caverna (BR/NL)
Milan Kozanek (SK)
Kate Mattingly (USA)
Eileen Standley (NL)
Ori Flomin (IL/USA)
Trisha Bauman (USA)
Ellen v. Schuylenburch (GB)
Fernanda Reis (BR)
Susan Rethorst (USA/NL)

People who pass the 1st round take part in the 2nd round, that finally decides who will be chosen for the professional program at Susan Quinn’s Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance:
Salzburg 14. Mai 2005

please send applications with CV and photo until 2 weeks prior to the audition to:

SEAD, Schallmooser Hauptstr. 48a, 5020 Salzburg, Austria or

Further informations:


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