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Výzkumný pobyt pro umělce, kritiky a/nebo výzkumníky

Marfa, Texas, USA
Společný projekt tří prestižních evropských škol ESBA Nantes Métropole, HEAD – Genève and Gerrit Rietveld Academie v Amsterdamu prganizuje residenční program, který je zaměřen na postupy umění v veřejném prostoru, kritické přístupy ke krajině / hranicím a umělecké projekty, které vycházejí z investigativních metod. Program se konná v texaské Marfě a účastníci programu jsou vybírání na základě projektů, které představí. Vybráno bude šest účastníků/účastnic. Termín podání přihlášek je 1. července 2011.

ESBA, HEAD and Gerrit Rietveld Academie

Fieldwork: Marfa
An international researcher-in-residence program for emerging artists, critics and/or researchers
Fieldwork: Marfa is the joint project of three leading European schools, ESBA Nantes Métropole, HEAD – Genève and Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. This international researcher-in-residence program is dedicated to the practice of art in public space, critical approaches to landscape/ borders and artistic projects based on field investigation methods. Located in Marfa, Texas, USA, this outstanding platform is intended for emerging artists, critics and/or researchers. Residents are selected on the basis of the singularity of specific projects they present.

Fieldwork: Marfa caters to emerging artists, critics and/or researchers whose projects require immersion into the specific environment of Marfa and Texas territory, necessitating movement through geography as well as time and space for the purposes of specific research work. The program comes with a research grant, enabling the applicants to produce theoretical and/or practical work using their own methodologies, with support from a number of professional partners, specialized stakeholders and educational institutions.

Fieldwork: Marfa is an inter-school research group that provides a framework for the incursions and endeavors of researchers-in-residence. The work itself fuels various joint projects, in the form of an ongoing annual program based on the participants' residency schedules.

Researchers will present the output of their residency projects in the context of:

· A series of workshops and symposia alternating between the three schools, including working sessions held before and after the residency in Marfa
· A schedule of exhibitions and meetings based on the research projects, held on home ground, in Marfa;
· An editorial program with an annual publication showcasing the contributions or reports from various researchers, students or occasional guests.

Every year the FIELDWORK: MARFA research program welcomes six emerging artists, critics or researchers seeking to begin or pursue research in one of the fields facilitated by Marfa's background. The research topics presented are given by way of indication only. All proposed research projects based on Marfa's background information are considered.

Applicants must have a Master's degree (or equivalent) preferably with a few years' work experience.

Selection criteria

Six researchers-in-residence are selected. The selection panel bases its decision on the relevance of the research project presented, the applicant's profile and whether or not the project can be conducted synergistically with the other proposals selected.

The project

The proposed projects must be expressed in English and should include a presentation of the objectives, necessary resources and methods used. One fundamental requirement is for the project to blend with the environment of Marfa, of Texas and the American landscape in general: residents should factor the site's unique features into their projects. Applicants are encouraged to share how they intend to use the resources, time and space put at their disposal for the duration of the residency.


The Fieldwork: Marfa research program recruits artists or theoreticians internationally. English is the language of communication. Applicants are, therefore, expected to be proficient in written and spoken English.

Deadline: 1. July, 2011
Fieldwork: Marfa research program
TX 79843 Marfa
Texas, USA

(14.06.2011) ZDROJ: Artservis
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