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Institut for Unstable Media hledá vývojáře/ářku webu

Rotterdam, Institute for the Unstable Media hledá Plone vývojáře webových stránek na dva dny (15,2 hodin) týdně. Mezi podmínkami na tuto pozici je jazyková vybavenost v holandštině a angličtině. Pracovní místo je k dispozici okamžitě. Uzávěrka nabídek je 1. května 2011.
About the position:
V2_ developed the website using the Plone CMS, within which we have developed our own open source modules. The website serves as an archive and a platform for communicating news and programming information. It will be the developer’s job to maintain (upgrade) the website system and develop small applications. In addition to its own website, V2_ develops websites on a semiregular basis for artistic and cultural projects on which we collaborate with other parties. So far, most of these have been implemented in PHP.  Development and maintenance of these websites will also be part of the website developer’s job.

• At least an HBO (tertiary vocational education) level of technical knowledge; • Knowledge and experience of Zope/Plone and PHP; • Strong affinity with open source software and tools; • Excellent oral and written communication skills; • Good ability to work both independently and as part of a team; • Good command of Dutch and English; • Affinity with the arts sector.

This position is part time (two days/15.2 hours a week) and will begin immediately. Salary will fall within pay grade 9 for Dutch municipal government workers and be based on qualifications and experience.

To apply, please send your resume and a clear letter explaining why you are seeking the position before May 1, 2011, to:

V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media

T.a.v. personeelszaken

Eendrachtsstraat 10

3012 XL Rotterdam

the Netherlands or by e-mail:
(12.04.2011) ZDROJ: Institute for Unstable Media
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