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IUGTE: hledá partnery pro International Acting-Directing Laboratory

Riga, Lotyšsko
Mezinárodní univerzita Global Theatre Experience (IUGTE), která byla založena v roce 2000 hledá partnery pro svůj projekt. Zájem má především o evropské herecké skupiny, umělecké asociace, vzdělávací instituce a další organizace, které mohou nabídnout prostor pro spelečnou realizaci projektové série International Acting-Directing Laboratory.  

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International University "Global Theatre Experience" (IUGTE) is seeking partners in Europe – performing arts companies, arts associations, educational institutions and other organizations which can offer a venue for the joint realization of project series "International Acting-Directing Laboratory".

Venues with possibility to carry out practical work (training room about 80-100 sq.m.), organize meals and accommodation are first of all valuable for us.

The Laboratory is investigating the role of elaborated system of exercises in professional performing arts training, rehearsal process and creation of performance.

The Laboratory under the direction of Sergey Ostrenko (director, teacher, Artistic Director of the International Festival "THEATRE METHODS", President of IUGTE) traces roots back to the early 1990s, the practical research which has been carried out by the team of professional directors, actors, dancers, choreographers and psychologists with specialization in performing arts and creativity.

The international program was already carried out in Russia, Latvia, Ukraine, Canada and Italy.

IUGTE is open to new contacts and collaboration. If you are interested to become the partner of IUGTE in this project please contact:

Inga Ryazanoff

82/64 Lokomotives Street,
Riga LV1057, LATVIA

Inga Ryazanoff
Chief Executive

Sergey Ostrenko

+371 2838 11 60

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