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Maďarský fotograf János László hledá partnera pro spolupráci

János László, maďarský fotograf a ředitel firmy, která se zabývá grafickým designem knih, kalendářů, brožur a webových stránek hledá partnera pro projekt mezinárodních webových stránek zaměřených na knihy a výstavy o hradech, zámcích, palácích a opuštěných kostelech.  

János László, a Hungarian photographer, director of Civertan Bt., a Hungarian graphic design company specialized in books, calendars, company profiles, brochures and web-pages, working also with photography, especially aerial-photography:

We already took more than 30,000 aerial photos (not orthophotos) of Hungary (, including the photos of 80 fortresses, hundreds of castles and palaces also monasteries and churches. For the last Christmas, we published an album "Showing my country from above" with more than 300 of our aerial photos.

My aim is to create a joint multilingual website or the edition of a book and an exhibition about castles, palaces and abandoned temples.

We have already participated in a number of exhibitions and now we are looking for partners to either jointly tender on various EU projects, (Cultura 2000 program) or creating a partnership for the tenders of the Visegrad Fund dealing with similar topics as our company, being Civertan Bt. the main tenderer.

László János

Civertan Bt.

1064 Budapest

Izabella u. 69 fsz. 2.

tel/fax: +361 332 3261 +3630 952 9533



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