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Možná spolupráce v Berlíně

Berlínská nezisková asociace Interkunst (zal. 1990) organizující projekt "Instant Acts agains violence and racism" hledá mladé mezinárodní umělce ve věku 16-25 let z oblasti tance, hudby, cirkusu, kteří by se podíleli na projektu v srpnu 2004.

Invitation for young artists to apply for participation in the international theatre project "INSTANT ACTS against violence and racism", on the tour in Germany in September 2004.

We are looking for a group of 2 to 3 young artists (age between 16 and 25) in the field of theatre, dance, music, circus to take part in the international theatre project "INSTANT ACTS against violence and racism". We ask you to present a performance of about 10 minutes based on the theme violence and racism. Each invited person gets lodging in youth hostels, catering, travel to and from Berlin, transfer to the performance places and health insurance. Additionally every person gets a small fee.

Send your application with information about:

  1. names, birth dates, nationalities of the proposed persons
  2. description and video of the proposed ten minute theatre/performance
  3. description about your capability to lead workshops for youngsters

We go into schools, churches, youth-, sport- or cultural-centres, theatres and jails; to all places where we can meet young people. 20 young artists from different countries from all over the world create professional acts, based on their personal experiences and express them artistically (theatre, performance, music, songs or dance). The artists do work on new acts by improvisation and daily rehearsals, conducted by a theatre director.

Before the show, during the day, we have workshops, meetings, rehearsals, training, etc. with the local youth, for example theatre, dance, rap, music, drumming, etc. Some elements of these meetings will be integrated into the show on the same day.

The international youth theatre project "INSTANT ACTS against Violence and Racism" gets public support by municipalities, districts and ministries of the federal states of Germany. In 1997, the project has received an award from the European Union on the occasion of the Year against racism. In 1998 and 1999, the project received a grant by the European Union (Kaleidoskop). Since 1993, the project has been carried out in 400 villages and cities in ten federal German states (primarily in the former East Germany), and other countries of Europe.

INTERKUNST e.V. is a registered non-profit association based in Berlin. It was founded on 1990. Activities are concentrated on the realization of multi-cultural projects, innovative forms of encounter and interdisciplinary forms of theatre and art. The association is in particular representing their European approaches by creating integrative projects for artists from different disciplines and of different nationalities. A main focus of the theatre work lies in the area of cultural preventive measures, which is realized by creating educational cultural concepts and programs. Here, methods are developed in order to achieve a maximum involvement and activity of the audience.


Interkunst e. V.
Post box 62 03 62
10793 Berlin

Phone: 0049-30-781 40 01
fax: 0049-30-788 18 62

(18.05.2004) ZDROJ: České centrum ITI
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