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Norská Akademie umění hledá profesora fotografie

Akademie umění ( National Academy of the Arts) v norském Bergenu nabízí pozici profesora fotografie. Jedná se o výjimečnou příležitost v kombinaci umělecké a pedagogické praxe. Kontrakt bude podespán na období šesti let od srpna 2009.
The position as Professor in Photography is available at Bergen National Academy of the Arts. This is a unique possibility to combine artistic practice, teaching and R&D with contemplation in spectacular surroundings!

Professor/Associate Professor in Photography
The responsibilities as Professor/Associate Professor primarily comprise tutoring (including preparation and subsequent review), counselling, artistic development work and research, communicating, organising and arranging such tasks, as well as managerial and administrative tasks. The staff at KHiB has part of their working time allocated to artistic R&D, and substantial resources are allocated towards this purpose.

The Professor/Associate Professor will, in accordance to this, have a particular responsibility for reinforcing artistic R&D work at the institution.

The Professor/Associate Professor will - following further agreement and in consultation with the institutions' and the department's management - have the main responsibility for the professional staff at the Subject Area, and through this realise the Department's objectives and the Subject Area's teaching curriculum.

The appointment begins August 2009 for a term of six years.

The study programme in photography

The study programme in photography provides the foundation for own artistic work with basis in photography as a still image and a time based medium. The photographic image is one of the main references within modern and post modern art debate, and is considered an important starting point and meeting place within contemporary art. The photo has since the 18th century had a vital influence on developments within the art. This has come to expression within painting, film, new media and other areas of artistic practice. With its everywhere presence in the public and private space, the photo constitutes an important element in our time's visual communication.

Development of a personal artistic practise, as well as the ability to evaluate this practise critically in a wider artistic context, is an essential aspect of the program. By challenging and investigating the relationship between photography and other visual as well as non-visual expressions, our students are given possibility conditions to develop a personal, independent and creative contribution to the artistic field. The program incorporates today's technical production of photographic images, seen in conjunction with a continuous emphasis on key photo-theoretical subjects. Our intention is to provide the students with an empirical basis of the many visual and narrative qualities contained within photography. Subjectivity, objectivity, representation and truth, are important subjects in the teaching offered. Parallel to the photo-theoretical discourse, students are encouraged to analyse and critically reflect upon their artistic practises in group sessions or during indiv idual supervision.

The section's offer of studies is planned in accordance with the common offer at the Department and at the institution as a whole.

The teaching is held in shorter and longer courses and projects, with lectures and counselling in groups, as well as individual counselling.

Bergen National Academy of the Arts
Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHiB) is one of two independent institutions offering higher education in visual arts and design in Norway. KHiB has 300 students and a staff of 100 and has three departments: Dept of Fine Art, Dept of Design and Dept of Specialised Art

Full job description:
For further information contact Dean Aashild Grana T: +47 55 58 73 00
(23.11.2008) ZDROJ: National Academy of the Arts

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