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Platforma pro interkulturní Evropu hledá výkonného asistentka/asistentku

Brusel/Belgie Nezisková asociace Platform for Intercultural Europe hledá výkonného výzkumného asistenta/asistentku pro podporu provozních a řídících úkolů generálního sekretáře. Pracovní náplň této pozice zahrnuje zejména práci v oblasti alanýz a jejich písemného zpracování; fundrasingu; práce s databázemi a jejich údržba a administrativy. Rozsah nabízeného úvazku jsou 4 dny týdně za honorář 2000 Euro měsíčně. Uzávěrka pro předložení nabídky je 4. června 2010, nástup nejdříve 5. července 2010.

The Platform for Intercultural Europe is recruiting an Executive and Research Assistant
Location: Brussels
Application Deadline: 4th June, Earliest starting date: 5th July

The Organisation
The Platform for Intercultural Europe is a European not‐for‐profit membership association with the mission to be a legitimate and effective interlocutor between European institutions and civil society organisations committed to the values of intercultural dialogue. It was initiated in 2006 and formally established in 2008 and is supported by the EU as well as foundations. It is anchored in EU cultural policy advocacy, but also has active interests in social and integration policies. Its activity profile comprises grass‐roots consultation, research and policy work. It has a growth potential which it is seeking to realise with the help of the talents and commitment of a new staff member.

Role Description
The overall purpose of this job is to support the Secretary General in the
operational and strategic management of the organisation. The Executive and
Research Assistant answers to the Secretary‐General.

The job involves the following tasks and responsibilities:

Analysis & Writing:
• Information gathering and briefing tasks
• Assistance with the writing of meeting reports, minutes, news bulletin articles and website information, etc
• Assistance with fundraising applications and reporting (EU fundraising in particular)
• Input to deliberations of the Platform’s steering group (meetings and discussion papers)
Technical Implementation:
• Database management and handling of group mailings (Access)
• Document lay‐out, news bulletin formatting (HTML), website management
• Event logistics
• Financial management assistance: invoice and receipt handling, logging of payments (WinBooks), budgeting for individual activities
• Practical co‐ordination with Steering Group, Members, etc
• Management of online and paper files and resources

Training for these tasks will be provided. The job has the potential to grow beyond these tasks and eventually to comprise responsibility for projects.
Person Specification
• Commitment to the promotion of Intercultural Dialogue
• Interest in working in an ideals‐based civic organisation
• A good university degree in political science (or a closely related subject) and multiple work placement experience, or a different university degree and a minimum of three years relevant work experience in the EU institutional domain or in NGOs with an advocacy profile.
• Knowledge of the EU institutions and environment
• Analytical skills
• Good verbal and written communication skills
• Proficiency in English and French. Other European languages are an extra asset.
• High computer literacy and information technology savvy
• Practical sense and organisational skills
• Ability to self‐motivate and organise work (including teamwork) efficiently and effectively
Terms and Conditions
We are offering a part‐time contract (4 days per week, i.e. 80%) with a starting salary of 2000 Euro gross per month. Small additional benefits are on offer. The contract will be un‐limited with a 6‐month probationary period.
The deadline for applications is 4th June. Candidates selected for interview will be notified by 14th June. Interviews will be held in Brussels on 16th and 17th June. The start date is negotiable but should be between 5th July and 1st September.

How to apply
Please apply by 4th June with a letter of motivation (attached Word or pdf document, in English, responding to each point of the person specification, andstating the possible start date) and CV (2 pages max.) by email to sabine.frank@intercultural‐
Further Information and Queries
For more information on the Platform for Intercultural Europe, visit: http://www.intercultural‐
If you would like to have an informal conversation before submitting your application, please contact Sabine Frank on sabine.frank@interculturaleurope.
org or Tel +32‐(0)2‐534 4002

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