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21. mezinárodní festival krátkých filmů

Berlín, Německo
Mezinárodní festival krátkých filmů a videí, který se bude konat 1. - 6. listopadu 2005, má otevřený termín ještě do 15. července. Hlavní ceny budou udělovány v kategoriích nejlepší film, dokument, animace, kamera, další ceny budou uděleny za nejlepší mezinárodní film pro děti či film proti násilí a netoleranci.

Application deadline is the 15th July 2005

interfilm Berlin presents the 21st International Short Film Festival Berlin
1 . - 6. November 2005

This year, the International Short Film Festival 'interfilm' takes place for the 21st time, a veritable meeting place for the international short film and video scenes.

More than 400 short films and videos will be shown during the six days of the festival and an estimated 100 films will be nominated to compete in the international competition. An international jury will award the 'interfilm Short Awards' in the following categories:

  • Best Film
  • Best Documentary
  • Best Animation
  • Best Camera

further prizes will be awarded in the following competitions:

  • International Films for Children
  • International Films Against Violence and Intolerance
  • German Short Film Competition
  • eject 'The Long Night of the Unexpected' (the 'eject' audience prize)

Apart from the competitions, the festival also includes historical short film programs, special focus programs (Poland and Sweden), video programs, music clips, commercials, documentary films and computer animation, as well as the chance to catch up on highlights from previous interfilm festivals.

There will be thematically related seminars, parties and of course the 'eject-night' where the audience chooses the weirdest and most wonderful film at 'The Long Night of the Unexpected'. Accredited guests are welcome to view any of the festival entries at the film market.

The application deadline is the 15th July 2005. (the earlier, the better !)

interfilm Berlin, 21. Festival, Tempelhofer Ufer 1A, 10961 Berlin, Germany

Please send us all viewing copies on DVD or VHS cassettes (pal / ntsc) only!

For most recent information, online entry or pdf application form please visit:

(16.06.2005) ZDROJ: Spectre

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