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5 ročník festivalu krátkých filmů Jak se nám žije

Mnichov, Německo
Festival zaměřený na krátké filmy zobrazující život postižených či chronicky nemocných se bude konat 2.-5 listopadu 2005 v Mnichově. Soutežní festival bude v rámci svého programu ukazovat filmy z celého světa doprovázené workshopy a diskuzními panely s cílem propagovat produkci a distribuovat autentické krátké filmy, které se zabývají každodenním životem a životními podmínkami lidí s postižením. Uzávěrka přijímání filmů je 15. července 2005.

We are happy to invite you to our festival - the fifth in ten years. "Wie wir leben / The Way We Live" is the longest-running festival in Germany that presents films depicting the lives of people with disabilities or chronic diseases. To celebrate our double jubilee we are looking forward to your participation and many inspiring films.
1. The 5th International Short Film Festival "The Way We Live" will take place 2. - 5. November 2005 in Munich.
2. The organizer is the abm - arbeitsgemeinschaft behinderung und medien  Festival, Director: Gregor Kern
3. "The Way We Live" is a festival of films depicting the lives of people with disabilities and chronic diseases in our society. The international competition presents recent productions from all over the world, which are assessed and awarded prizes by a jury of experts. The competition is complemented by an information programme with workshops and discussion panels.
The Short Film Festival "The Way We Live" is intended to promote the production, showing, and distribution of authentic short films dealing with the daily life and the living conditions of people with disabilities. The festival has the purpose of creating a forum for the exchange of opinion and discussion of new projects; it is meant to stimulate cooperation between professional film producers and people with disabilities and, in particular, to encourage people with disabilities to engage themselves through the media of film and television in the realisation of their objectives.
4. Films and videos produced after January, 1, 2003 will be eligible for entry. The maximum duration of any film put forward is 60 minutes. Films from the fields of documentation, fiction, animation, and experimental films can be entered. The following film formats are acceptable: 35 mm, 16 mm, Betacam, Digibeta, Beta SX, U-matic High oder Low, Hi 8, S-VHS, DVD, Mini-DV.
5. An international jury will decide on the endowment of the following prizes:
1st prize 5.000 €
2nd prize 2.500 €
3rd prize 1.000 €
Visitors to the Festival will be able to award an audience prize.
6. The following material must accompany each entry:
1. Viewing video VHS (PAL)
2. A fully filled in and signed entry form
3. Stills and press material
4. Short synopsis of the film
5. Dialogue list in German or English
6. Biography / filmography of the film producer
7. Declaration stating that people with a disability or a chronic disease have been involved in developing the idea or the underlying concept of the film, or in its realization.
7. The viewing cassette and the complete entry material should be sent to the following address:
Internationales Kurzfilmfestival "Wie wir leben"
c/o abm - arbeitsgemeinschaft behinderung und medien
Bonner Platz 1/V
D-80803 München
Deadline for entries is July, 15, 2005.
8. The entrant must assume the costs of delivery to Munich of the viewing cassette and the film copy for showing. The Festival organization will assume the costs of the return of the competition videos and films. All prints and video tapes from Non-EU-countries must be sent with a customs declaration on the packaging stating the following: "For temporary use only. No commercial value, for cultural purposes only".
The viewing cassettes will remain in the archives of the "The Way We Live" film office. Should this not be desired then the competition entrant must bear the costs of the return of the viewing cassette. Approval or non-approval in respect of the question of filing the viewing copy in the above-mentioned archives must be indicated in the appropriate section of the entry form.
9. All the films and videos entered for the competition can - for the duration of the Festival - be viewed on VHS cassettes in a "Vision Bar" by the visitors to the Festival.
10. The film copies are insured by the festival organizers for the period of the Festival and for return delivery.
11. Entry to the competition automatically entails full recognition of the competition rules.

abm - arbeitsgemeinschaft behinderung und medien e.v.
"Wie wir leben"/"The Way We Live"
Bonner Platz 1/V
80803 München
Tel.: 089-30 79 92 - 20
Fax: 089-30 79 92 - 22

(05.05.2005) ZDROJ: Goethe Institut

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