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Astra Film Fest 2006

Sibiu, Rumunsko
Soutěžní festival dokumentárních filmů v Sibiu vypisuje soutěžní kategorie nejlepší mezinárodní dokument, rumunský dokument, studentský film, antropologický výzkum a Deventer Award. Ceny v souhrnné výši 15 USD budou uděleny dokumentům různé délky, které byly dokončeny po 1. červnu 2004. Přihlášky možno zaslat do 16. dubna 2006.


Documentaries of any length completed after 1 June 2004 are eligible for the competition programmes. 
The Festival has four competition programmes: INTERNATIONAL, EastEUROPE, ROMANIA , and STUDENT FILMS.
There is no fee required for entry.

If the original language of the commentary/dialogue is other than English, the films must have English subtitles.

Applicants are asked to send the following material:
- the filled-out entry form
- a preview copy on VHS/PAL or DVD - two stills from the film (print or electronic format print quality 300 dpi)
- photo of the author, (print or electronic format print quality 300 dpi)
- synopsis in English, min. 150 words
- short biography/filmography of the author - list of credits
- dialogue list in English
- press kit, if available
- any other relevant information (participations, awards etc.)

Preview materials are not returned.

By entering their film, applicants agree to the selection of their entry for one of the competitive or other Festival programmes and accept the Festival regulations.

The screening format of the films selected for the Festival programme is Betacam SP/PAL.

The selection will be notified to the authors of the films until 15 July 2006.

Once a film is selected, the holder of its copyrights automatically authorises ASTRA FILM FEST to screen it in the Festival programme free of charge, and to use trailers (not exceeding 3 min.), as well as publicity material about the author(s) and/or the film to promote de Festival.

The Betacam SP screening copy of the selected films should arrive at the festival office not later than 15 August 2006.

The Festival management insists that the author(s) of the films in the programme or a delegate from the part of the director/producer are present for the official screening. The organizers offer accommodation for the participants. The Festival cannot cover their travel costs.

The international juries will be composed of respected academics and cinema specialists. The jurors will select the winning films for the following awards:
Grand Prize
Best Documentary in the International Competition
Best Documentary in the Romanian Competition
Best Student Film
Best Anthropological Research
Deventer Award

The prizes in total amount of $15,000 will be awarded to the directors of the films.

The costs of transport to the Festival office for the preview material are the responsibility of the applicant.

The costs of transport to the Festival office of the screening BETACAM SP copy of the selected films are the responsibility of the participants.

The Festival will pay the return transport of the BETACAM SP tapes, to the return address filled by the applicant on the entry form.

Note on Post & Courier services:
For customs reasons, we suggest you indicate $1 only as the value of the tape on the Pro forma invoice . This is a customs value and has nothing to do with the insurance. Also mark the package PREVIEW MATERIAL / NO COMMERCIAL VALUE / FOR FESTIVAL USE ONLY. Otherwise, the Festival may be charged customs fees. The festival will refuse such fees, and consequently your film will neither be received nor considered.
Razpisni obrazec
Rok prijave: 16/04/06
Piata Huet 12
2400 Sibiu

(05.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
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