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(D)FEFV hledá ambientní experimentální filmy

Krk, Chorvatsko
Druhý ročník festivalu (D)FEFV hledá ambientní experimentální filmy, které mohou být promítány na městské hradby během horkých, letních dnů v malém středomořském městě. Festival je součástí programů the Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•], která prostřednictvím serie výstav v Decumanus Gallery & DAGMAR Gallery sídlící na chorvatském Krku vzdělává širokou veřejnost v praxi umění nových médií. Termín zaslání videí, či odkazů na zdroje je 15. dubna 2011.

Krk, Croatia
Event dates: July 2011
Art and Culture Laboratory
Experimental film and video festival (D)FEFV
Call for entries!
(D)FEFV is a part of the Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•] program that tends to educate a wider audience with the new media art praxis trough a series of exhibitions in the Decumanus Gallery & DAGMAR Gallery located in Krk, Croatia.

The (D)FEFV festival will have its second edition (under a different name) in July 2011 as a part of the Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•] program.

The Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•] was initiated by Igor Grzetic, Marin Dlaka and Lena Franolic.

The first edition of (D)FEFV has displayed experimental film and video production to the Krk public audience on the 2nd & 3rd October 2010 in the Decumanus Gallery.

This years festival will take place in July 2011. The festival will last one day and will perform on an open air location in the old town center near to the old town walls and The Frankopan Castle.

The works shown on (D)FEFV will be accompanied with a brochure (catalog).

The applications will be juried by the Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•]: Igor Grzetic, Marin Dlaka and Lena Franolic.

The Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•] calls all interested film and video artists to entry the proposition for the second (D)FEFV:

The second (D)FEFV calls for ambiental experimental films that will be shown on the city walls during the hot summer days in a small Mediterranean old town.

Add the videos with which you want to apply to our proposition, or if you have a better source send us the link to your work to the e-mail below.

- your video: uploaded to the group, or link to a better source (rapidshare, megaupload...)
- short biography (cca. 300 characters)
- concept
- year of production
- length
- name of the piece
- 3 stills in jpeg or tiff

Deadline: April, 15, 2011
Art and Culture Laboratory [KUL•]
Mate Balota 18
51500 Krk

(15.03.2011) ZDROJ: Artservis

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