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ESoDoc 2011 European Social Documentary

ESoDoc - Evropský sociální dokument je vzdělávací iniciativa programu Evropské unie Media, která se zaměřuje na zvláštní žánr dokumentární produkce a sice na dokumenty, které upozorňují na lidská práva, sociální spravedlnost, ochranu životního prostředí, zejména v rozvojových zemích. ESoDoc připravuje profesionály pro budoucí trhy, tak aby se stali součástí proměňujícího se audiovizuálního světa. ESoDoc nabízí tři týdenní workshopy v průběhu 6 měsíců. Termín přihlášek je 4. prosince 2010

ESoDoc 2011 - European Social Documentary
>> MARCH 4, 2011 <<

Hugh Purcell, ESoDoc Head of Studies, will be at the Sheffield Doc/Fest on November 3, 2010. If you want to meet him for any further question regarding ESoDoc 2011, please contact him directly at +447980691205.

MEET US AT IDS - Italian Doc Screenings 2010
Heidi Gronauer, ESoDOc Head of Project, will be presenting ESoDoc at IDS 2010. The presentation will take place on Friday 19, at Auditorium Sant'Apollonia (Via San Gallo, 25 - 50129 Firenze), starting at 11:10, during a round table titled "Training & networking. Access to the international market". For any further question or to book a meeting please contact us or contact Heidi Gronauer directly at +393479661272

ESoDoc 2011 - European Social Documentary - NEW CALL FOR APPLICATION

What is ESoDoc?
ESoDoc - European Social Documentary is a EU's Media training initiative which focusses on a special genre of documentary production that is particularly suitable for the new multiplatform world: documentaries that draw attention to human rights, social justice and environmental protection, particularly in the developing world. ESoDoc wants to prepare professionals for the markets of tomorrow and make them part of the changing audiovisual world.
ESoDoc offers three 1-week sessions held over a 6-month period, during which participants, either individually or in groups, develop a documentary film project. read more...

Who should apply?
ESoDoc is intended for professionals who are committed to the goal of social change, who are responsive to the new ways that film is achieving it and who want to develop their own documentary film projects across a 360 degree spectrum. We are looking for documentary filmmakers and producers, NGO and NPO sector professionals with audio-visual experience, and New Media Professionals who want to realize www projects according to the spirit of ESoDoc or collaborate with others. read more...

Workshop Structure
ESoDoc offers three 1-week workshops, held over a 6-month period, during which participants, either individually or in groups, develop projects based on specific Social Documentary themes. An e-platform will provide support during and between the workshops and allow continuous collaboration through a library, different project-related discussion forums and dialogue among the teachers, tutors and participants. read more...

Contact us for any further information or visit

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ESoDoc - European Social Documentary
c/o ZeLIG School for Documentary - via Brennero 20/D - 39100 Bolzano (IT)
T: +39 0471 302030 - F: +39 0471 977931 - -


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