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IMAF 2005 - 7. mezinárodní multimediální festival

Odžaci, Srbsko a Černá hora
Kurátor výstavního projektu, který vzniká v rámci letošního IMAF, Nenad Bogdanovič vyzývá umělce a organizátory, aby zaslali své první práce, dokumentace svých prvních performancí, uměleckých akcí, instalací, počátků uměleckých akcí apod. a krátký text o pojetí, pocitech a vlastních zkušenostech provázejících vznik jejich děl. Tyto materiály se stanou součástí archivu Contemporary Art Fund a z výstavy vznikne katalog, který bude zaslán zůčastněným umělcům.

Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery
Invitation to performers or organizers to send their first works, documentation of their first performance, artistic action, instalation... etc. 
Within 7th International Multimedial Art Festival (IMAF 2005), due to be held during August and September 2005, organized by Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery from Odzaci – Serbia, international exhibition titled AB OVO is going to be held.

Curator of this project – exhibition is Nenad Bogdanovic. All artists – performers or organizers are invited to send their first works, documentation of their first performance, artistic action, instalation, beginning of artistic event, magazine... etc.

They expect from You to send the documentation of any kind (scetches, photos, video VHS-Pal, CDV, DVD, first catalogues and magazines or other), first - the oldest works made by You and/or other artists whose works You have. All contribution shall be considered a gift to Contemporary Art Fund of Multimedial Art Studio organisation.

Besides works and documentation for the exhibition, they invite all artists to send short texts with their opinions, feelings and experience of working on of their first performance, artistic action, instalation, beginning of artistic event, magazine... etc.

Texts must be short, no more than 15 sentences. All texts shall be presented during IMAF 2005. Also, all artists must send short biography (no more than 5 lines), postal and e-mail address.

Catalogue published for this exhibition shall be sent to all participants.

Deadline: October 31, 2004

More information:

IMAF 2005 - AB OVO
Nenad Bogdanović
S. Markovića 41, P. O. Box 16
25250 Odžaci
Serbia and Montenegro

(14.09.2004) ZDROJ: Artservis

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