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KargART - Video-Art Exhibitions

Istambul, Turecko
Alternativní nezisková instituce KargART vyzývá všechny umělce, kteří se věnují video artu, nezávisle tvoří, jsou etablovaní či dosud nevystavovali v galeriích, profesionální i amatéry, aby zaslali své práce. Termín zaslání podkladů je 25. prosince 2005.

Video-Art Exhibitions

call for proposals
KargART, which has preserved its alternative stance within the art scene since the day that it was founded, is now encouraging independent video-artists, whose works coincide with this stance, to get out of the places in which they have been “installed” and inviting them to the “opposite shore” in the hope of fulfilling the craving of a totally unique audience for new perspectives and of bringing together individual or group of artists that produce independent and high quality work with the young and educated audience of Kadikoy –thus providing a more productive and healthy environment for the development of cultural life on the Anotolian side.
As a non-profit art and culture institution, KargART is also opening its door to those artists -be they young or old, educated or self-made, professional or amateur- who have placed their hearts on video-art, worked individually and never had a chance to exhibit their works in galleries, while organising the coming together of the works of the established artists with the audience of the opposite shore. In the hope of familiarising all those who are producing works in this field with each other, of publicising this modern art form for which even a clear definition is wanting in this country and of making possible future joint works, we are inviting all those who want to make a name in this field, to produce a video-art work in KargART.

The curation and the development of this exhibition will also be up to you. KargArt is handing over its exhibition hall to you. We are willing to organise this event in the light of the works and the wishes of the artists who qualify to be a part of the exhibiton, after interviewing all the applicants.

The Concept of the KargArt Video-art Exhibition

In organising this video-art exhibition, KargArt takes its concept from its own stance and texture. Since it is an alternative, non-profit institution that tries to encourage and exhibit art and artistic production and that provides a focal point in this field on the “opposite shore”, the concept will fittingly be the “opposite”. This concept takes on the mission of breaking the dominance of Taksim if we think, in the narrower sense, about Istanbul and of transporting an art form developed in Europe and America to Asia in a broader sense. While doing this, we are expecting works that are in a sense “anti-conceptual”, making it possible to bring forth only –and nothing but- the video, thus constructing a uninhibited creative space. “Opposite” in the name of the Video and the Area…

The frame of this event includes professional and amateur artists from here and abroad. The works expected from artists are supposed to be specific to this “shore” or suitable to be installed on this “shore” and beyond predetermined general concepts.

Advantages and Possibilities

— KargART’s advantageous location at the upper floors of Karga Bar, which has established itself as an alternative place in Kadikoy due both to its music programmes and its architecture, not only enables it to draw a young, educated and art-loving audience to cultural and artistic events but also differentiates it from other galleries. This situation itself can be a source of inspiration for the artists and it also makes possible the organisation of openning and closing nights with the use of music, projection and even performance in accordance with the nature of the proposed projects.

— For those artists who wish to combine video-art with performance, KargART, which has developed successful projects with performance artists of the modern art scene and is now working both as a production center and an agency, can help the artists to get in touch with appropriate performance artists in line with their projects and their wishes. KargArt wants to meet you, artists, and produce works with you and develop: We are expecting all artists devoted to video-art in the face of all possibilities and impossibilities.
Kadife Sokak no:16
Kadikoy Istanbul
tel: 0216 330 31 51 
fax: 0216 346 55 46 

(02.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
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