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Mezinárodní festival tanečního videa

Tel-Aviv, Israel
První mezinárodní festival tanečních videí se bude konat v knihovně Tel-Avivu. Festival hledá audiovizuální práce, které jsou realizovány v jakémkoli formátu a pracují s původní inscenovanou choreografií filmovanou či nahrávanou na video. Dokumentace jevištních choreografií nebudou akceptovány. Práce budou vystaveny jako instalace. Termín uzávěrky je 31. ledna 2006.

The Tel-Aviv Cinematheque
International Video-Dance Festival

Call for submissions
The first International Video-Dance Festival will be held at the Cinematheque of Tel-Aviv.

The Festival calls for entries from artists in all art fields, to kindly send audiovisual pieces, realized in any format, using original or re-staged choreography filmed or recorded onto video. Mere documentations of stage choreographies won’t be accepted.

The festival will be accepting also audiovisual pieces in the documentary genre and audiovisual pieces that are to be exhibited as an installation.

Please note, that the festival wishes to view varied works made by artists with no limitation regarding date of production and to whether screened before in other venues.

All works need be sent to the festival accompanied by name of artist/s, piece title, email address, mailing address, telephone, name of director, name of choreographer, name of performers, name of music composer, name of producer, format and system, year of production, any other related information or description of piece.

Sender of piece will be held as possessing all copyright and screening rights and as allowing the festival to use the piece for festival purposes, screenings and as part of the festival's video library.
International Video-Dance Festival
Avi Feldman / Alon Garbuz
2 Sprinzak St. 
64738 Tel-Aviv

(13.10.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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