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Obsession - mezinárodní video festival

Istambul, Turecko
Tématem mezinárodního festivalu videa je "posedlost". Festival, který se bude konat ve dnech 2. - 8. června 2005 je neziskový a výběr děl je činěn kurátory. Umělci jsou tímto vyzváni zaslat své práce v délce minimálně 2 a maximálně 8 minut nejpozději do 10. května 2005.

Istanbul, TURKEY

Sinasi Gunes


The International Video Art Festival's theme is "Obsession". Video artists from all around the world are invited to send proposals for"Obsession", International Video Art Festival.

This is a non-profit festival. Therefore, they have got a very small budget so they can only show your video/videos on a single screen. They cannot offer artistic fees, accomondation or cover travel expenses. After the festival a CD catalogue and an on-line catalogue at the festival website will be prepared.

The work to be shown will be selected by curators.

Formats accepted: VHS (PAL only), miniDV (PAL only), VCD(PAL), DVD (PAL).

The lenght of the work must be minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 8 minutes, but please do not send the masters! Work language must be English; if not, there should be subtitles in English.

There are no official entry forms!

Enclosed with the video/videos you must send the following (on CD-R/Word document):

  • Artist's name
  • Title of work
  • Consept of work
  • Ymages of work
  • Date of work
  • Brief resume of artist
  • Contact info (e-mail, postal address, etc.)

Every artist partipicating "Obsession" Video Art Festival should sign a letter which contains permission that any material about his or her work can be used for catalogue, publication, etc.

Exhibition Place: GALERI-X

Materials sent will not to be returned, but will be kept in the festival's archive for future projects and for interested curators and art-festival organisers!

Send all materials to the address of GALERI-X.

All deliveries from international participants must be marked: "NO COMMERCIAL VALUE - FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY"

Curators: Gulsun Erbil, Sinasi Gunes
Assistant Curator: Pulat Murat

Galip Dede Caddesi
No:48/11 Tunel

(17.02.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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