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Prix Ars Electronica 2004 příjímá přihlášky

Linec (Rakousko)
Ars Electronica (letos slaví 25. výročí svého založení) prodloužila termín do 26. března 2004 na přihlášky do mezinárodní soutěže Prix Ars Electronica 2004 kyber umění v následujících kategoriích: digitální hudba, interaktivní umění, síťové vize, digitální komunity. Nově vyhlašuje Arts and Technology Grant.

Prix Ars Electronica 2004 is open for entries and starts with a new category and an Art and Technology Grant

It is the 18th editition of the foremost International Competition for CyberArts. The Prix Ars Electronica will be awarded in the following categories:

Computer Animation / Visual Effects
Digital Musics
Interactive Art
Net Vision
Digital Communities

To mark Ars Electronica's 25th anniversary in 2004, it is being expanded to include a "Digital Communities" domain dedicated to social developments of great current relevance and the art and technology grant [the next idea] art and technology grant.

Digital Communities
"Digital Communities" encompasses the wide-ranging social consequences of the Internet as well as the latest developments in the domain of mobile communications and wireless networks. "Digital Communities" will spotlight bold and inspired innovations impacting human coexistence, bridging the digital divide regarding gender as well as geography, or creating outstanding social software and enhancing accessibility of technological-social infrastructure. This new category will showcase the political potential of digital and networked systems and is thus designed as a forum for a broad spectrum of projects, programs, initiatives and phenomena in which social innovation is taking place, as itwere, in real time.

[the next idea] art and technology grant
Discovering ideas for tomorrow in young minds today is the aim of this grant and focusing on the intersection of art and technology. The category's target group includes students at universities, art schools, technical schools, and other educational institutions as well as creatives from all over the world, aged 19-27, who have developed as-yet-unproduced concepts in the fields of media art, media design or media technology. The winner receives a grant in the amount of 7,500 Euro and will be invited to spend a term as Researcher and Artist in Residence at the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

Detailed information about the Prix Ars Electronica 2004 at
Subscribe now at:

Entry Deadline: March 12th, 2004

Sponsoring and Support
SAP, Telekom Austria and voestalpine are the Sponsors of the 2004 Prix Ars Electronica. The competition is made possible through the support of the City of Linz and the Province of Upper Austria.
Prix Ars Electronica is supported by: ÷KS ÷sterreichischer Kultur-Service, P-stlingbergschl-ss'l, Sony DADC, Spring, KLM

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