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The Asia-Europe komiksový projekt

Brusel, Belgie
Mezinárodní komiksový projekt pořádá Asia-Europe Foundation s cílem podpořit lepší porozumnění lidí Asie a Evropy díky intelektuální, kulturní a mezilidské výměně mezi regiony. Komiksoví umělci, spisovatelé a producenti, kteří se zajímají o společenská témata a mezikulturní výměnu a produkci se mohou zúčastnit společného ročního projektu, při kterém vznikne publikace. Projekt je pořádán jako doprovodný program Mezinárodního festivalu Komiksu. Termín pro zaslání podkladů je 31. října 2005.

The Asia-Europe Foundation
The Asia-Europe Comics Project
To be held in the sidelines of the International Comics Festival, Brussels.
Artists will have the opportunity to work on a collaborative year-long project. They will attend an exploratory meeting at the International Comics Festival, Brussels where the team will establish a theme for the publication.

There will be opportunities to attend public workshops and to showcase your work to an international audience.

The detailed programme will be developed together with a team of resource persons and facilitators.

The Asia-Europe-Foundation seeks to promote better mutual understanding between the peoples of Asia and Europe through greater intellectual, cultural and people-to-people exchanges between the two regions. This project is a new initiative by the Public Affairs Department.

o Comic artists, writers and producers (herein collectively referred as “artists”) who possess an interest in social themes and cross-cultural exchanges and productions. Past related experiencesand/or projects are an asset.
o Artists with an interest in the history and development of the artist’s role in their home country as well as a dedication to networking and exchanging thoughts and visions with other artists from other countries/ backgrounds.
o Possess a good ability to communicate in English, which is the working language.
o Nationals of ASEM member countries: Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland,Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Myanmar, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom and Vietnam.

Documents to apply:
o A maximum two page motivation letter stating why you are interested in participating in this project, highlighting your interest in cross-cultural collaborative project, and your suggestions for themes for collaboration.
o Your Curriculum Vitae detailing your professional experience related to the concept of the project.(not more than 2 pages)
o Samples of your work, to be submitted in electronic formats such as .jpeg, .pdf
E-mail application preferred.

Deadline: 31/10/05 - deadline extended
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
SOH Lai Yee (Ms),Project Executive, Public Affairs
31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace

(13.10.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis

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