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The Belluard Festival - hledá projekty

Fribourg, Švýcarsko
The Belluard Festival (BBI) hledá inovativní a ohromující projekty, jejichž organizační, distribuční a propagační náklady hodlá hradit až do výše 10 000 švýcarských franků (cca 6 000 Euro). Vítězné projekty budou produkovány a označeny BBI, přičemž není zapovězeno získávat další finanční zdroje od jiných subjektů. Projekty třeba zaslat do 17. ledna 2006.

The Belluard Festival (BBI) is a festival that produces and presents artistic projects in Fribourg (CH) since 1983.

The BBI is looking for relevant, innovative and amazing projects.

  • Any form, method or means serving the project's purpose are admitted.
  • Each laureate project chosen shall be helped out by the BBI up to the sum of CHF 10'000.- (6’000 Euros), at the very most. Participants are free to take any steps they deem necessary to acquire additional funding from public authorities or firms so as to complete their budgets.
  • The awarded projects shall be supported by the BBI (organization, distribution, promotion) and presented in the programming of the festival.
  • The winning projects are produced by the BBI and labelled as such.


  1. The contest is open to all.
  2. Each project is to be presented on 2 A4-format pages, at most. A detailed budget shall be included. Plans, drawings, photos, videos, recordings... are highly recommended.
  3. Projects must be sent the 17.01.2006, at the latest (postal stamp is proof) at Belluard Bollwerk International, Contest 2006, PO Box 214, CH - 1701 Fribourg.
  4. The projects are evaluated by the BBI’s international jury. No mail will be exchanged.
  5. All participants shall be made aware of the results by February 17th, 2006.
  6. The material sent will not be returned.

Belluard Bollwerk International
Case postale 214 - CH - 1701 Fribourg,
Tel +41 (0)26 321 24 20 - Fax +41 (0)26 321 24 21

(06.09.2005) ZDROJ: Čtyři dny

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