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Time Machine: výzva k předkládání uměleckých projektů

Sydney, Austrálie  Galerie provozovaná umělci Serial Space vyzývá k předkládání projektů experimentálního  a time based umění jako součást festivalu Time Machine, který proběhne v Sydney ve dnech 16 - 29. července 2012.  Program festivalu zahrne čtyři tématické oblasti pod názvy Sound and Vision; Performanci; Lab místo soustavného experimentování; Talk program diskuzí, přednášek, kritických debat a uměleckých prezentací. Uzávěrka pro předkládání projektů je 19. února 2012.
Serial Space
Time Machine
Call for Proposals to the festival of experimental, time-based art

In 2012 Serial Space is introducing a brand new platform for the development and presentation of interdisciplinary and experimental art practices: Time Machine.  Time Machine will be a festival of experimental, time-based art taking place at alternative spaces across Sydney during 16-29 July.

In the lead-up to this festival, Serial Space will offer a number of commissions and development residencies for the creation of new work to be presented in the festival.  These works may fit within one of the four streams of Time Machine, or they may stand alone. Serial Space is seeking bold, ambitious, experimental and exciting ideas  to support and present as part of Time Machine.

The program will include 4 major streams*:

SOUND & VISION – a series of events and exhibitions presenting new experimental music, sound art, audiovisual performance, video art, installation and interactive work.

PERFORMANCE – a platform for durational and experimental performance art. As part of the performance stream, Serial Space will curate a performance relay showcasing back-to-back, site-specific performance works.

LAB – a space for ongoing experimentation, where art, technology and science come together. Including workshops, presentations, prototyping, knitting circles, tests, and demonstrations.

TALK – a program of debates, performance lectures, critical forums and artist presentations. We welcome formal experimentation of the presentation and dissemination of information.

* Hold on! Serial Space is also interested in work that doesn’t fit into the 4 streams. We encourage applications that challenge our bureaucratic programming delineations.

Information for Applicants

Your application should should consist of:

1.    Application Cover Sheet
2.    Project Description (a maximum of 2 x A4 pages) that address the following:

WHAT: What is your idea? Does it apply to any of the 4 streams of Time Machine? What do you anticipate an audience’s experience will be?

WHERE: What is the ideal location for your project?

Outline any technical resources and/or space you will need.

TIMELINE: Provide a short timeline for the project development and/or the project’s outcome. If you are applying for a residency, how will you utilise this time and space?

Provide a simple budget of your anticipated costs.

SUPPORT MATERIAL: Include at least one of the following via URL

- 10 digital images (max)

- 5 minutes of audi0

- 5 minutes of video

All submissions should be sent via email to the address below.

Applications must be submitted in the form of a single pdf entitled “Artist/Group Name Time Machine Application”

Any applications that do not address this criteria will not be considered.
Deadline: 19/02/12


Serial Space
33 Wellington St
2008 Chippendale, NSW
(07.02.2012) ZDROJ:

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