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Wanted: divadelní kritici/čky a bloggeři/rky

Wiesbaden, Německo  Forum pro mladé divadelní kritiky/čky, které proběhne jako součást divadelního bienále Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden v rámci festivalu New Plays from Europe ve dnech 14 a 24 června 2012 hledá mladé divadelní kritiky a kritičky. Ti budou pracovat jako novináři/řky a to na on line blogu i v off line prostředí pro dvoje novinové redakce. Jejich práci budou editovat divadelní kritici ze Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau a z Fora pro mladé divadelní kritiky. Ačkoli pracovním jazykem redakce je němčina nabízí festival také jedno místo pro anglicky píšícího kritika/čku. Hrazeno bude ubytování a cestovné. Uzávěrka je 29. února 2012.

Theatre critics and bloggers wanted!
For the FORUM OF YOUNG THEATRE CRITICS, which will take place during the course of the festival NEW PLAYS FROM EUROPE, the theatre biennial of the Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden in cooperation with the Staatstheater Mainz from 14 to 24 June 2012, we are looking for young critics. They will work journalistically both online in
a blog and offline for two newspapers.

This print/blog will be overseen both editorially and with regard to content by the theatre critic Jürgen Berger (Süddeutsche Zeitung), journalist Grete Götze (Frankfurter Rundschau) and Katrin Schmitz (organisation, editorial and conceptual collaboration, FORUM OF YOUNG THEATRE CRITICS). Travel expenses for a return journey as well as accommodation in a double room during the festival will be met by the festival offices. The editorial office in Wiesbaden will start on 13 June 2012.

With its eleventh issue in 2012 the theatre biennial NEW PLAYS FROM EUROPE celebrates its twentieth anniversary. It is a well-respected international festival especially for playwrights. Its focus is on the playwright and the plays which are staged in their original language combined with a simultaneous translation. During the eleven-day
festival, 25 to 30 fascinating productions of the works of contemporary living playwrights from more than 40 countries will be presented.

Requirements for participation are a general interest in the examination of theatre criticism and other journalistic forms. For the blog we are in particular looking for participants who want to work in a more multimedia-based format, be it with photographs, audiorecordings or videos. Additionally, we are looking for a professional
photographer and an English-writing participant. The working language of the editorial office is German.

How to apply: Please send at least one theatre review, and, if you wish, two or three other journalistic samples of texts, the link to your blog (if available), your CV and a short explanation of about 300 words why you are interested in the FORUM OF YOUNG THEATRE CRITICS.

Deadline is the 29th February 2012. Please send your application in one document, which should be labelled with your name, and the heading: FORUM OF YOUNG THEATRE CRITICS to:

Theaterbiennale des
Staatstheaters Wiesbaden
in Zusammenarbeit mit dem
Staatstheater Mainz
Christian-Zais-Straße 3
D 65189 Wiesbaden
Maya Schöffel
Antje Otto
Tel: +49 611 132 - 398
Fax: +49 611 132 - 399


(24.01.2012) ZDROJ: Goethe Insitut Praha
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