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Kurátorský program De Appel výzva na rok 2012/2013

Amsterdam, Holandsko  Centrum umění Appel pořádá již od roku 2006 osmiměsíčn program pro kurátory a kurátorky, který zahrnuje teoretické semináře, tématické dílny a pracovní cesty po Evropě i Asii. Součástí tohoto pobytu jsou i prakticky zaměřené úlohy a setkání s uměleckou scénou. Pro kurátorský programu na rok 2012/2013 bude ve dvou kolech vybráno celkem 6 kurátorů a kurátorek. Uzávěrka pro předložení přihlášek je 16. ledna 2012.
Initiated in 1994, the Curatorial Programme of de Appel arts centre wishes to offer young curators a condensed package of experiences and skills that can be seen as instruments to enhance the development of their professional career.

The eight-month long Curatorial Programme exists in its current form since 2006, with a thematically organised curriculum and an extended tutorial team. It encompasses a dense array of theoretical seminars, thematic workshops, field trips in Europe and Asia, practice-related assignments and encounters with artists and art professionals.

The programme pays attention to the history of exhibition-making, diverse curatorial practices, institution building and project management. The unique thematic focus is on the polarity between 'free-lance ' and 'institutional' curating and on the examination of 'context-responsive' curating. The programme explores through which formats and methodologies curators deal with the presentation of art in the 'expanded field' outside of the white cube and how they respond to the cultural moment.


1. A letter of motivation in which you state your personal drive as well as your expectations of the programme.
2. A proposal for a project (maximum 4000 words, approx 8 pages A4) including: concept and location of the project (main focus, explanation of context and relevance), the participating artists (including some image material), a realistic budget, a publicity plan (not obliged).
3. A CV, including an extensive description of your relevant working experience
4. Two written references of (former) tutors, professors or employers, in English.

Send completed applications digitally to the email address below.

On the basis of the submitted documents twelve candidates will be short-listed. These candidates will be invited to come to Amsterdam in the second week of March for an interview with an international jury, who will select the final six participants of the Curatorial Programme 2012/2013.
Deadline: 16/01/12

de Appel arts centre
P.O. Box 10764
1001 ET Amsterdam
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)20 6255651
fax: +31 (0)20 6225215
(20.12.2011) ZDROJ:
Nezávislá kultura má nového spojence:

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