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Art Interactive - výzva pro kurátory

Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Art Interactive je nezisková galerie v Cambridge, kterou v roce 2001 založili bostonští podnikatelé Emanuel Lewin a Irene Buchine. V rámci programů pro veřejnost jsou tímto vyzýváni kurátoři, kteří prezentují různá media, aby popsali svůj kurátorský záměr a zorganizovali výstavy v rámci programů této galerie, která leží mezi Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) a Harvardskou univerzitou. Program není určen pro umělce, kteří současně pracují jako kurátoři a jejich návrh by zahrnoval i prezentaci jejich práce. Termín podání návrhů je do 1. února 2005.

Art Interactive - Call for Exhibition Proposals

Cambridge, MA, USA
Guest curators invite

Art Interactive is a non-profit art gallery in Cambridge, Massachusetts founded in 2001 by Boston-based entrepreneurs Emanuel Lewin and Irene Buchine. Situated at the heart of Central Square, a lively neighborhood between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, Art Interactive's 2,500 square foot, one-of-a-kind space provides artists a supportive venue for showing cutting-edge work. Likewise, Art Interactive offers the community in the Greater Boston Area (an epicenter of ground-breaking technology development) unparalleled opportunities for experiencing innovative art forms. The gallery's Curatorial Committee invites prominent curators from regional, national and international venues to propose and organize exhibitions and related public programs.

Art Interactive's mission is to provide a public forum that fosters self-expression and human interaction through the development and exhibition of art that is contemporary, experimental, and participatory. The gallery's Curatorial Committee invites prominent curators from regional, national and international venues to propose and organize exhibitions and related public programs.

Art Interactive encourages proposals that presents works in any media, but each proposal must address the goals described in the curatorial mission statement. Please note that Art Interactive discourages artists who are acting as curators from submitting proposals that include their own work.


Proposals will be reviewed by Art Interactive's Curatorial Committee, comprised of Rachael Arauz, Independent Curator, Sharon Matt Atkins, Assistant Curator, Currier Museum of Art, George Fifield, Director, Boston CyberArts Festival and Adjunct Curator of Media Arts, DeCordova Museum, Joseph Ketner, Director, Rose Art Museum, Jeff Talman, Artist, Emanuel Lewin, Director, Art Interactive, Catherine D'Ignazio, Associate Director, Art Interactive, Winnie Wong, Director of Curatorial Planning, Art Interactive.

Gallery Space

Art Interactive is located in the Central Square neighborhood of Cambridge, MA. The exhibition space is approximately 2,000 square feet with 16-foot ceilings. Two exterior glass walls provide extensive natural light, and the space can be partitioned by four movable modular wall panels. Visits to the space during gallery hours are encouraged, and a floor plan is available upon request.


If accepted, Art Interactive provides the following resources to assist the Curator: Exhibition Coordinator, Exhibition Designer and Graphic Designer to assist in these aspects of exhibition planning.

Press and Marketing support, Event Coordination, and Education and Outreach are handled primarily by Art Interactive. Technical support and labor for construction and installation. Printing and design of posters, postcards, press releases, mailings, and an exhibition brochure.

A host of high-end equipment including computers, projectors, cameras, etc.

A detailed specification list is available upon request.

In addition to these resources, Art Interactive will provide total additional support of $2500. This is typically used for stipends, travel, shipping, purchase of special construction materials or equipment. If the budget for the proposed show exceeds $2500, please provide a detailed plan for how and when additional funds will be raised. Art Interactive is able to provide some administrative support, planning and strategy for raising additional funds for a compelling curatorial project.

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must include 8 copies of the following:

  • Curator's CV (please include name, address, email address)
  • Proposed exhibition title (maximum 10 words)
  • Exhibition Abstract (maximum 500 words)
  • Exhibition Checklist (maximum 1 page)
  • Proposed Budget (see above, "support")

Supporting visual materials

Supporting visual material can include DVDs, CD-ROMs, websites, and printed photographs. A self-addressed stamped envelope may be included in the submission for the return of these materials.

Notifications will be sent by email to proposers on March 15th, 2005.

Please send all submissions by mail to the address of Curatorial Commitee.

Art Interactive
Curatorial Commitee
130 Bishop Allen Drive
02139 Cambridge, MA
tel.: 617-498-0100
fax: 617-498-0019

(06.01.2005) ZDROJ:

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