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Call: IV. ročník festivalu video umění Crosstalk 2011

Crosstalk festival video umění zve umělce, aby přihlásili svá díla do IV. ročníku, který se bude konat v červnu 2011 v Budapešti. Jde o výroční výstavu video artu, která si klade za cíl zvýšit zájem lidí o video jako uměleckou formu. Pořadatelé mají zájem o díla, která jsou kritická, analiticka a ukazují svůj subjekt z nového úhlu. Díla musí být dokončena po 1. lednu 2008. Termín pro přihlášky je 28. února 2011

Media and video artists from all over the world are invited to submit their works for Issue IV. of crosstalk video art festival that will be held in June 2011 in Budapest.
crosstalk video art festival is an annual video art exhibition, which seeks to rise the awareness of people for video as an artform.
To get more information about crosstalk go to:
There are no entry fees!
Submission Deadline is: 28 February 2011.
crosstalk video art festival is looking for video pieces that are critical, analytical or showing their subject from new perspectives. There is no criteria as to the subject/theme of the works.
Artist from any age, gender, nationality, religion can submit works up to 3 pieces.
Films and videos submitted must:
- belong to the category of video art ,
- have been completed on or after 1 January 2008
- be single channel works
- be copyright controlled by the artist.
All submissions are to include:
1- Entry form. An entry form must be printed, filled out and signed for each work that you are submitting.
2- Artwork. Video pieces must be submitted in video DVD or MPEG2 file format written on a DVD. The runtime of the work must not exceed 15 minutes. All DVD should be clearly labelled showing the title of the work, the year of production, running time and the director’s name and resolution 16:9 or 4:3. Works submitted in languages other than English must be subtitled.
3- Data CD. The data cd must contain:
3.1 - A short biography of the artist (between 50 and 100 words),
3.2 - A short description of the submitted work, including a list of previous       screenings
3.3 – Two still images of the work in jpg format.
Entries must arrive at crosstalk video art festival’s address by 00:00 on 28 February 2011.
crosstalk video art festival does not take responsibility of shipment delays. Submissions that arrive after the deadline will not be considered.
crosstalk video art festival will not pay customs, charges or duties for any mislabelled or incorrectly shipped submissions. Do not send submission materials in fibre-filled envelopes as the dust coming from the fibre damages media and playback equipment.
crosstalk video art festival is not responsible for loss or damage during shipment.
Submitted works won’t be returned.
By signing the entry form entrants automatically agree with the terms of the present call. The signed forms also certify that the entrant is the legal owner of the work, and that any copyrighted materials included in the work have been legally cleared for use.
Agrees also that crosstalk video art festival is allowed to use from the work(s) 00:00:20 min. for promoting and advertising purpose. Also agrees to let crosstalk video art festival to keep a copy of the work(s) for a video archive to be used for other non-commersial screenings/events. The participant will be informed in advance.
We are interested in screening videos in the category: video art.
We look for the inspired and the critical, the confounding and the revelatory, the scurrilous and the eccentric.
This is a non-profit Festival with a very small budget so unfortunately we can only show your video piece(s) on a single screen. We can't offer artistic fees, accomodation or travel expenses.
The Festival will have a catalogue available on the Festival’s website:
Student videos completed after 1 January 2007 with runtime no more than 15 minutes are eligible for entry into our annual S (Student) category. For requirements on the artwork for submission please scroll up.
crosstalk video art festival
1085 Budapest, Hungary
József krt. 70.
You can also use filesharing / large file deliveries like: to the address:
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions:
Tel. +36 30 4630337
adrien török

(04.11.2010) ZDROJ: Spectre

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