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Italian Design Agency - Design východní Evropy

Miláno, Itálie
Italian Design Agency - mezinárodní kulturní marketingový a organizační subjekt, který pracuje v oblasti designu se sídlem v Miláně vyzývá designéry z východoevropských zemí (včetně ČR), aby se zúčastnili výstavního projektu, který bude zahájen v roce 2006 a postupně představen v nejdůležitějších muzeích po celém světě. Výstava bude mít 2 části - nejlepší design po roce 1989 a historie 20. století. Termín výzvy je otevřen do 31. října 2005.

The Italian Design Agency - Design of Eastern Europe
 Milano, Italy

Call for Entries 
The Italian Design Agency, an international cultural marketing and organisational body working in the field of design based in Milan, Italy, is calling on designers from east european countries to participate in an exhibition project scheduled for opening in 2006, to be shown at major museums around the world.

The exhibition will be built around two main parts:
1] The best works in contemporary design from 1989 until now – an exposition of objects and prototypes from: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine.

2] The history of 20th century design in the above mentioned areas, researched in cooperation with design experts from each country, as the collection’s didactical background in graphic form. The exhibition’s contents will be published in a book, to be distributed worldwide.

The project’s concept aims at showing new ideas and tendencies that develop in the vibrant, yet still insufficiently known, countries of eastern Europe, with regard to their cultural background and design development.

The project aims at creating a unique exhibition of relevant contemporary works, designed and/or produced after 1989 in the fields of three-dimensional creation.

These include furniture, object, house ware, appliances, lighting, glass, ceramic, consumer product, textile/fashion, surface and material, communication, transportation, industrial,environmental and integral design, packaging solutions as well as experimental excurses into other fields of work, resulting in the creation of a multi-dimensional object.

You may submit more than one piece of work. Entry is open to, but not limited to, freelance designers, in-house designers and students. No prior experience of design or formal or informal qualifications as a designer are required.

Entrants may be of any age, and may enter as individuals or as a group. Participation is free. Projects made before 1989 are welcome as a contribution to the expo’s theoretic parts regarding design history. By submitting works the author expresses his consent with the entry regulations below.
Deadline 31, October 2005

The Italian Design Agency c/o Museum der Dinge
Ake Rudolf, Project curator
Oranienstrasse 25, Aufg.1, 4.og li
D-10999 Berlin
tel: +49 (0)30 61 65 60 05, +49 (0)177 41 37 631 

(09.09.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis

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