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The Byzant - 3. mezinárodní výstava fotografií

Prilep, Makedonie
3. mezinárodní výstava umělecké fotografie je připravována The Byzant - centrem vizuálního umění, tentokrát s tématem Umění a erotika. Termín pro zaslání podkladů je do 15. prosince 2005.
The Byzant-Center for Visual Arts
3th Annual international Art photography
Call for entries.

The topic is "Art of erotica".

Deadline: 30/11/05 - for resident authors in Balkans and 15/12/05 - for participant for other countries

The BYZANT-Visual Art Center is organizing the 3th Annual international Art photography exhibition to be held in Prilep, Macedonia.The topic is Art of erotica.

1.Participation is open to all artists of photography that currently publish or have published in national or international mass media and not published.

2.Participation will consist of an entry on the topic Art of erotica.The format can be A4 Gallery formate.The organization reserves the right to invite some authors.

3.The entries must be original and done in any technique desired.If the entryis done using electronic devices(e.g. a computer),the author must demonstrate that this is the technique he/she usually uses.The work must be signed ,and the number of copy as well as the total number of copies must be indicated (e.g. 2/4).The maximum size is 297x420 mm(A3).Minimum A4 printed standard photography materials.

4.The entries should be packaged to protect the contents.The organization recommends placing the entry between two pieces of cardboard. Shipping will be paid by the participant.On packaged sign: PRINT OUT OF VALUE.The organization is not responsible for any damage caused during shipment.

5.The entries must be sent to the address of the Byzant-Center for Visual Arts.

6.The entries selected by the Committee will be displayed in the 3th annual internatonal ehxibition of Art photography. 7.The entries become part of the Byzant-visual Art center photo collection. The entries may be displayed in all the premises of the Vizant-Visual Art center,in itinerant exhibitions, and in publicatios that are periodically published.

8.The Vizant-Visual Art center has the right to reproduce and circulate the entries,whenever the author's name appears and the main objective is the dissemination of the exhibition of the exhibition or the participation in other activities of the Vizant-Art center general in the area of art photography,that is to say, catalogues, posters,the press,web pages, etc., without generating any obligation towards the participating authors.

9.The organization will communicate through its web page or by means of letterthe name of the authors whose entry has been received as well as the names of the selected entries. The authors will be informed of accommodation conditions if they want attend the exhibition opening or any acttivities parallel to this event.

10.Once the exhibition has closed in Prilep, all the authors whose work has been selected will receive a copy of the publication made for the exhibition.

11.The organization reserves the right to not exibit those entries considered to be an affront to individual or collective rights.

12. Participation in the exhibition means the complete acceptance of all the above conditions.

The Byzant-Center for Visual Arts
Dimo Narednikot:58
7500 Prilep
(05.12.2005) ZDROJ: Artservis
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