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Default Masterclass: Umění, města a regenerace

Lecce, Puglia, Itálie
Default Masterclass je mezinárodní kulturní a umělecká iniciativa, kterou hostí město Lecce v italském regionu Puglia. Cílem je diskutovat a vytvářet představy a udržitelné myšlenky o tom, jakou může umění sehrát roli v regeneraci bývalých průmyslových prostor, nebo míst, které jsou ekonomicky, mnemonicky či jinak zatížené, jak může umění přispět k jejich transformaci a "aktivaci". Umělci, kurátoři, kulturní producenti, mezinárodní partneři a místní publikum se na deset dní sejdou, aby společně zrevidovali konkrétní cesty, politiky, nápady a praxi vztahu umění a bývalých průmyslových objektů či zón. Organizátoři hradí pobyt a zahraničním účastníkům přispívají na cestu. Termín přihlášek je 17. července 2011.

RAMDOM Association
DEFAULT Masterclass in Residence
On Art, Cities and Regeneration - For artists, curators and cultural producers
DEFAULT Masterclass is an international cultural and artistic initiative that is hosted in the town of Lecce in Italy’s Puglia region. It proposes to be a context to discuss, imagine and put forward sustainable ideas for how art can interact with the regeneration of former industrial spaces; those economical, mnemonic and knowledge-laden spaces in which art is called in to transform and 'activate'.

For ten days, artists, curators and cultural producers, transnational partners and local audiences will come together to critically review and revise, in a concrete way, policies, ideas and practices on the role of art within former industrial sites.

The reason to organize DEFAULT Masterclass is simple and current: art workers, policy makers and cultural managers find themselves at an impasse, as mass funding cuts in the public sector come to effect throughout Europe and further afield, and the arts and culture sector is faced with the prospect of bidding goodbye to its (reluctant) bedfellows such as 'cultural regeneration projects', 'cultural capital' and 'the creativeclass' whilst anxiously anticipating the what is to come. There seems to be no going back and as yet, no concrete solutions offered for how to proceed in the current landscape.

DEFAULT Masterclass aims to ask some key questions: In our current (austere) times, how can we interact with wider governmental policy on regeneration? How do we tackle the increasingly politicised stakes that underpin cultural funding for the revitalisation of urban centres and neighborhoods? Do artists, curators, art managers and policy makers now default to “art and regeneration” practices that are no longer viable, yet still entrenched in cultural structures, because there no other alternative given?

DEFAULT Masterclass will offer the opportunity to 20 selected artists (10 from different countries and 10 from Puglia Region) to be part of the discussion of ‘what’s next in art, cities and regeneration’ and contribute to it.

During the ten days participants will develop their research approach in intense workshop and seminar sessions, expand their network and exchange know-how with the support of a residency curator; they will meet international leading curators and artists, art managers and representatives of cultural and artistic organisations from the European and the Mediterranean area.

Participants will be encouraged to develop and present a professional proposal: a publication documenting the masterclass and individual artist projects will be produced after the masterclass.

Conditions for participating artists

Participating artists coming from outside Italy will receive a grant covering air and/or train travel (economy class), for a max of Eur 400,00 each.

For all artists accommodation and lunches will be covered by RAMDOM organization.

No other expenses will be paid.

The twenty artists will be selected through an open submission call from 1st June 2011 to 17th July 2011.

Selected artists will be contacted during July 2011 to confirm their participation and sign a letter of agreement for the Grant.

Frequency of the Masterclass is mandatory as they are expected to be in Lecce for the whole duration of the project (workshop and residency).

Works will be in English.

How to Apply

All forms of creative works are encouraged - any media, subjects, and styles are welcome. Anyone over age 18 may enter this open call. Winning submission determined by the selection committee considering creative vision, innovation, potential to engage an audience, presentation of the project on the Masterclass topic.

Send an email to the e-mail address below with Subject:
"ApplicationForm_yourname&lastname" and the following attachments:
- Application form filled with the required information
- Curriculum Vitae (biography) with personal data of the artist, education and former artistic experiences (no more than 2 x A4)
- Signed copy of your Identity card or Passport
- Portfolio with images of recent works or link to the useful documentation (video, audio, sketches, etc.) - max 5 images or 1MB/ Video link via Vimeo/YouTube or website link.
- 500 word statement about your artistic work/area of research
- 500 word project proposal that addresses the question “what’s next in art, cities and regeneration?”
- Receipt of the payment of application fee of Eur 25.- for the application, which will cover administration costs. The application fee is non-refundable.

All documents should be sent in .pdf, .doc or .zip format.

Razpisni obrazec
Rok prijave: 17/07/11
RAMDOM Association
Paolo Mele
73100 Lecce
tel: +39 3207061409


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