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East of Eden - workshop pro scénaristy

North by Northwest, který v roce 2004 zahájil program East of Eden zaměřený na filmové profesionály z nových zemí EU a Bulharska vyhlašuje termín pro přijetí projektů na scenáristický workshop 1. listopadu 2005. Vybraní účastníci vytvoří tvůrčí týmy - scénarista /režisér/produkční skupina -, které budou pracovat pod vedením mezinárodních tutorů.  

East of Eden

Deadline for Applications for 2006: 1st November 2005 

North by Northwest launched the East of Eden programme in 2004. East of Eden is targeted specifically at film professionals from the new EU member States and Bulgaria, and offers professional training in feature film development to screenwriter / director / producer teams

Working with international tutors with proven industry track records, East of Eden participants develop their projects in their creative teams, and with their colleauges in screenwriter / director / producer groups. Using the established, highly respected methodology of North by Northwest’s existing programmes – essentially that of a Socratic forum founded on Czech filmmaker Frank Daniel’s approach to developing skills in screenwriting and filmmaking – participants are presented with a series of questions to ask about their project, their ideas and their ambitions, helping them make qualified decisions and fast-track the development process.

By focussing firmly on communication, collaboration and understanding between the three key players in the development and production process, and by looking deep into the foundation of the screenwriter’s script, the vision of the director, and the business and financial proposals of the producer, participants are equipped with the tools and techniques to analyse, clarify, develop and enrich their material, and maximise the project’s potential to get made and get seen.

Requirements and Selection Procedure

Team Applications are invited from residents in one or more of the following countries:

* Bulgaria * Cyprus * Czech Republic * Estonia * Hungary * Latvia *
* Lithuania * Malta * Poland * Slovakia * Slovenia *

Each team member must have demonstrable professional experience in their chosen field, be it screenwriting, directing or producing. All applications are evaluated by external readers, producers and representatives from East of Eden. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed by a representative from East of Eden. The East of Eden management team and partners make the final selection of creative teams and projects for the 2005 programme.

Deadline for Applications: 1st November 2005

Další informace:

North by Northwest
Danish Film Institute
Vognmagergade 10
DK-1120 Copenhagen K
Tel.: +45 33743528
Fax.: +45 33743604

(05.10.2005) ZDROJ: Media Desk ČR
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