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Evropský sociální dokument - workshop

Bolzano, Itálie
Serie 3 týdenních workshopů, které se budou konat v období 6 měsíců napomoci různým aktérům dokumentární filmové produkce: nezávislým dokumentárním filmařům, producentům a nestátním neziskovým organizacím; těm, kteří potřebují nové komunikační strategie v oblasti lidských práv, sociální spravedlnosti ochrany životního prostředí, aby se lépe naučili používat film a nová média jako nástroj rozvoje. Termín podání přihlášek je  27. března 2006.

ESoDoc is a unique series of 3 one-week workshop held over a 6-months period. ESoDoc takes up the challenge of bringing together the demands of different players involved in documentary film production: independent documentary film makers and producers; non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs and NPOs), whose needs for new communication strategies have become ever more pressing; television broadcasters and New Media. EsoDoc's ambition is to create new production opportunities for European documentary makers interested in broadcasting films that draw attention to human rights, social justice and environmental protection, particularly in the developing world; and to encourage NGOs and SPOs to make more use of film and New Media as tools in development.

ESoDoc’s main aspects:

The application deadline for ESoDoc 2006 is 27th March 2006.

You can download the application form from

During the three sessions participants, either individually or in groups, develop a documentary film project. An e-platform and a tutor will support this work. The first session will take place from 20th to 26th May in Bolzano and Bressanone (South Tyrol, Italy). Dates and venues for the second and third session will be communicated on the website as soon as possible.

The working language of the workshop is English.If you are interested in the workshop but don’t consider your English knowledge sufficient:  don’t hesitate to apply. We realized (and the past participants confirmed it) that the participants developed their knowledge of English very quickly during the three sessions. They were able to communicate, share and discuss their ideas, thoughts and feelings without great problems.

In fact, during the two past editions, the discussions between the participants from “old” and “new” member states represented one of the most valuable aspect of ESoDoc: Since ESoDoc is intended to be an East-meets-West platform as well, those discussions were certainly one of the strongest points of the workshop: the opportunity to share your ideas and to confront yourself with different points of view.

We want to preserve this important characteristic of ESoDoc, and for this reason 10-12 of the 22 places are reserved for participants from new member states.

Moreover, the enrolment fee will be 500 € (instead of 1000 € for the participants from other European countries). Scholarship funding are available as well: according to your income, ZeLIG may cover the entire cost of your enrolment, or the travel costs. There is also the opportunity to get scholarship from the Mediadesk of your country, which will cover the remaining costs.

Hereby we send you some information about ESoDoc. We kindly ask you to pass the information to anyone who may be interested.

Thomas Righetti
ZeLIG - School for Documentary, Television and New Media
Via Brennero 20/d
I - 39100 Bolzano
T:  +39 0471 977930
F:  +39 0471 977931
M: +39 349 1634075  -  -

(09.03.2006) ZDROJ: ZeLIG
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