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Fakulta radikální estetiky

European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (EIPCP) se  sídlem ve Vídni a Linci připravuje mezinárodní pilotní kurz radikální estetiky. Každý ze 6 týdenních seminářů se bude konat v jiném evropském městě (Barcelona, Linz, Lüneburg, Napoli, Paris, Vienna). Aktivisti, umělci a studenti jsou tímto zváni, aby zaslali svoji přihlášku do 27. července 2005. Účastníci kurzu budou naváděni k mezinárodní výměně a rozhovorům o zásadním umění a aktivismu, které budou reflektovat na konkrétních projektech a diskurzivních akcích, jež spolu s teoretickými workshopy budou doprovázet celý kurz. 

Faculty for Radical Aesthetics - Call for Applications

The eipcp is an autonomous institute based in Vienna and Linz, mainly operating in the overlapping spaces of artistic practices, political movements and theory production. In connection with two research projects starting in autumn 2005 the eipcp will organize a transnational pilot course for Radical Aesthetics. Each of the six seminar weeks of this one-year course will be held in different European cities (Barcelona, Linz, Lüneburg, Napoli, Paris, Vienna). Aimed at instigating the transnational exchange and discourse on critical art and activism, they will reflect on concrete projects, accompanying them with discursive events and theoretical workshops.

Format of the seminar weeks (six per year)

Six seminar weeks will be organized around public conferences in the framework of the eipcp-projects TRANSFORM (follow up of and translate (about the political aspects of cultural translation).

These weeks will consist of
I. internal workshops with eipcp experts (1-2 days)
II. public conferences and workshops in the framework of TRANSFORM and translate (2 days)
III. intensive workshops with speakers from the conferences afterwards (1-2 days)
IV. project reflection, dedicated to discussing the participants' activist projects (2 days)

I. Internal Workshops with eipcp-experts
1. New Positions of Radical Aesthetics: Stefan Nowotny, Gerald Raunig
2. Performing Art and Activism: Gini Müller, Marion Hamm
3. Aesthetic Theory and the Critique of Social Movements: Boris Buden, Hito Steyerl
4. Queer Feminist Antiracist Critiques of Body Politics: Michaela Pöschl, Johanna Schaffer
5. Media Activism and Communication Guerrilla: Konrad Becker, Martin Wassermair
6. Public Sphere Theories: Gerald Raunig, Ulf Wuggenig

II. Public Conferences in the framework of TRANSFORM and translate
1. 10/2005 Vienna/Linz: TRANSFORM. The Future of Institutional Critique
2. 11/2005 Barcelona: Relational Poetics
3. 01/2006 Lüneburg: Making Worlds
4. 03/3006 Linz: translate - Can Culture be Translated?
5. 05/2006 Napoli: Activism and Critique
6. 09/2006 Paris: Polture and Culitics

III. Intensive Workshops with experts from the conferences

IV. Project Reflection
The participants' projects will be critical/activist (art) projects in the context of social movements (Counter-Summits, EuroMayday, NoBorder-Network, Copyleft-Movement, Social Fora, IndyMedia etc.) or micropolitical endeavors seeking to develop new forms of organisation. They will be reflected on, discussed and criticized within group sessions at the end of each seminar week.

Course Duration: 10/2005-09/2006

Fee: € 1.000.- (excl. travel and accomodation). A reduction is possible in justified cases to be explained in the application. We will try our best to help with supporting letters from the eipcp and information on individual possibilities for scholarships, on accommodation facilities and cheap travels.

Local cooperations with: MACBA Barcelona, Universität Lüneburg, Kunstuniversität Linz, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli

First seminar weeks: October 10th-16th Vienna/Linz, November 21st-27th Barcelona

Activists, artists and students are invited to send applications (including CVs, project ideas and interests) and to ask questions related to the applications to by July 27th.

information visit

(11.07.2005) ZDROJ: EIPCP

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