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Independent Creative ArtSpaces Leadership Training

Pětidenní intenzivní workshop, který pořádá Asia-Europe Foundation pro umělce/managery v mulitidisciplinárním Independent Creative Art Spaces je určen pro 10 evropanů a 10 účastníků z Asie. Workshop bude zaměřen na plánování, lidské zdroje, rozpočtování, fundraising, komunikaci a témata spojená se zapojováním komunity a rozvojem obecenstva. Přihlášky zájemců mezi 25-35 lety, kteří ve své organizaci zastávají řídící funkce a zajímají se o mezinárodní výměnu a spolupráci je třeba zaslat do 1. září 2007. Workshop se bude konat v Paříži 9.-15. prosince 2007.

Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
Independent Creative ArtSpaces Leadership Training

Open Call for Applications
This five-day intensive workshop shall concentrate on the role and importance of the artists/manager in multi-disciplinary Independent Creative Art Spaces. Various interactive sessions shall examine different aspects of managing an art space in relation to real life case studies presented by the participants. Challenges in planning, human resources, budgeting, fundraising, communication as well as issues around community involvement and audience development will be discussed and presented.

This workshop shall offer an opportunity to reflect on how 20 artist/managers from Asia and Europe manage and lead their organization, to benchmark with others in the field and to learn new skills and approaches through experienced arts managers and trainers in the field. The training will empower them as leaders in their field and create a basis and opportunity for long term exchange and cooperation between participants.

Trainers and moderators will be people from Asia and Europe with training experience and with extensive experience in running an independent creative art space.

Who can apply?

20 People – 10 from Europe and 10 from Asia – will be selected through this open call for application to attend this training. Candidates should fit the below mentioned criteria, fill out the application form and send the required information. Applications need to be received before the 1st of September. The results of the selection will be announced mid September. Selections will be made by the organizers by representatives of Artfactories, Trans Europe Halles and Asia Europe Foundation.

The candidate should be:

1) A national of an ASEM member country:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mongolia, Malta, Myanmar, The Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam.

2) Be between 25-35 years of age

3) Be fluent and articulate in spoken English

4) Be taking on a leadership position in the organization

5) Be interested in developing international exchange and cooperation

6) A few years´ experience in managing an interdisciplinary creative art space with a need of additional expertise to bring the art space to a new faze of development
Have arts project experience and about to open his/her first art space
Managing an interdisciplinary art space and would like to broaden his/her vision, skills and international perspective

7) Be open-minded, willing to share his/her own experiences and knowledge.
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), Cultural Exchange Department
Katelijn Verstraete
31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace
119595 Singapore
tel: (65) 6874 9724
fax: (65) 6872 1207

(27.07.2007) ZDROJ: Artservis

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