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JAMU pořádá třetí ročník semináře doktorandů divadelních škol

Ve dnech 6. - 8. 12. 2007 proběhne na Divadelní fakultě JAMU již třetí ročník semináře doktorandů divadelních škol. Smyslem semináře je vytvořit prostor pro konforontaci různých způsobů a přístupů k výzkumu praktického umění a tvorby, umožnit srovnání různých koncepcí doktorského studia v jednotlivých evropských zemích. Jednotlivé referáty nejsou nijak tématicky nebo metodologicky vymezeny - jedinou podmínkou je, aby šlo vskutku o výzkumný projekt v oblasti praktické divadelní tvorby (od dramaturgie, přes režii, scénografii a herectví, speciální sekce bývá vyhrazena též pro dramatickou výchovu). Uzávěrka přihlášek je stanovena na 15.září 2007.

The aim of the seminar is to continue in the mapping of doctoral research undertaken at practically specialized theatre schools and academies. The seminar is a platform for confrontations of different concepts of post-graduate study and doctoral research in the field of theatre practice.
This seminar took place in Brno for the first time in December 2003, when 13 participants presented their papers to international auditorium of students and teachers coming from Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Scotland, Finland and Sweden. Second seminar was organised in December 2005 – and our intention is to keep the event as biannual.


We expect one student and one teacher (ideally student's tutor) from every school to take part in seminar. Every participant will cover all his/her costs connected with the travel and stay in Brno. Organisers will reserve you accommodation at your own expenses (detail of available accommodation will be provided in time).

Deadline for applications is 15th October, papers should be sent in electronic form by 23th November – we will circulate papers among participants by email in advance, so everyone could be acquainted with presented topics. Seminar starts on 6th December in evening by performance in school studio MARTA and informal introductory meeting of all participants and that proceeds for two days.

Every participant will have 30 minutes for presentation, which will be followed by 20 minutes for open discussion. Please note all participants should send their papers to the organisers in advance. This paper can be more extensive, can include more detailed descriptions of research and present different extensive information (statistics or other data), while presentation can concentrate on more general aspects - especially methodology - of the research.

As we see doctoral studies and research in the field of theatre practice as new and still establishing subject, we ask all participants to include in their presentations special chapter/paragraph dedicated to description of methodology and development of their research.

The organisers will publish the conference proceedings. The official language of the symposium will be English, we will provide simultaneous interpreting Czech/English.


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