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Seminář pro filmové animátory v San Sebastianu

Od 25 do 27. listopadu 2008 se mohou profesionálové z oblasti filmové animace zúčastnit semináře organizovaného ve španělském San Sebastianu CARTOON EUROPEAN Association of Animation Films pod názvem "Cartoon Masters". Seminář bude zaměřen na tři tématické okruhy Cartoon Digital; Cartoon Finance; Cartoon Feature. V rámci výukového semináře bude hrazeno ubytování a stravné. Cestovné bude pokryto do výše 250 Euro. Seminář je podporován z evropského programu Media. Uzávěrka pro zájemce o účast je 17. listopadu 2008.
CARTOON European Association of Animation Film
Cartoon Masters

Top-level quality training seminars for the European animation professionals

The MEDIA programme actively supports the training of professionals from new member countries (Bulgaria, Czeck Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia).

To this end, CARTOON encourages applications for scholarships to its CARTOON MASTERS.

The next Cartoon Feature (on animated films only) will be held in San Sebastian (Basque country, Spain) from 25 to 27 November 2008.

CARTOON will cover hotel and meals expenses and refund up to a maximum of 250 EUR for transportation.

The programme content gives both a theoretical and practical approach (case studies) on the current issues faced by the industry, focusing on 3 areas:
* Cartoon Digital – the opportunities and challenges offered by the new technologies
* Cartoon Finance – how to find ways to diversify sources of financing and increase the revenues of animated TV series
* Cartoon Feature – all aspects relative to feature film, covering concept, development, production, marketing, distribution and exploitation

CARTOON and the MEDIA Programme of the European Union are glad to offer scholarships to animation professionals from the following countries of the enlarged European Union (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia) in order to participate in the Cartoon Masters.

The scholarship covers the registration and subscription fee, the travel costs (for a maximum of 250 EUR), the hotel costs and the meals package.

Deadline for submission: 17/11/08

CARTOON European Association of Animation Film
Boulevard Lambermont 314
tel: +32 2 242 93 53
fax: +32 2 245 46 89
(27.10.2008) ZDROJ: Artservis
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