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Visegrad Summer School

Cílem Visegrádské letní školy je nabídnout fórum pro výměnu myšlenek a vytvořit alternativní vzdělávací prostředí pro mladé lidi ze střední a východní Evropy. Program účastníkům poskytne příležitost důvěrně se seznámit a diskutovat současná společenská, ekonomická, politická a kulturní témata. Bude vybrána skupina 50 studentů, PhD výzkumníků, mladých novinářů a vyučujících z České republiky, Maďarska, Slovenska, Polska, Ukrajiny, Moldavy a dalších středo a východoevropských zemí. Již šestý ročník se bude konat 8.-21. července 2007 a termín podání přiihlášek je 30. dubna 2007.

Visegrad Summer School
VI edition, 8-21 July 2007

Deadline for submitting applications: April 30th, 2007.

The aim of the Visegrad Summer School is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and to create an alternative learning environment for young people from Central and Eastern Europe. The program is an opportunity for the participants to get acquainted with and discuss current social and security, economic, political and cultural issues. It is also an opportunity to learn about each other and start an international co-operation between the peoples and the countries.


A group of 50 students, graduates, PhD researchers, young journalists and teachers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Moldova and other Central and East European countries deepen their knowledge and exchange ideas about the constantly changing political, social and economic situation on the continent, form international friendships and meet outstanding European experts.

ideas and events:

The programme of the sixth edition of the Visegrad Summer School includes debates on: experiences that result from "being European", democratic transition of East European countries, problems of global security, regional partnerships and areas of cooperation. The historical and cultural context of Central Europe serves as a starting point for discussions on economics, politics, social issues as well as mass media, art and culture.

Intellectuals, scientists, politicians, representatives of business and non-governmental organisations, journalists and artists conduct seminars and workshops, hold lectures and lead debates.
Students are encouraged to present their country's culture, heritage and traditions which helps to increase the knowledge of other participants about different countries. They organize themselves into working groups in order to develop their own projects aimed at furthering collaboration between them and their countries. Study visits and social events enrich the program with unforgettable experiences and ensure memorable moments for the students. All the activities are designed to enhance an atmosphere of integration, dialogue and co-operation between participants from different European countries.


The Visegrad Summer School is one of the most respected forms of education and co-operation for young people in Central and Eastern Europe. As former editions have shown, independent and innovative projects developed by students during the program prove the Visegrad Summer School to be a successful forum creating new platform of co-operation and enhanced dialogue between students, young researchers and NGOs from V4+ countries.


We are looking for active, open-minded and creative people. The working language of the School is English so good communication skills in English are essential.

Each candidate should provide a:

* letter of motivation explaining how he/she would benefit from the School
* completed application form
* detailed CV
* testimonial or references

More info:
Graphic information:

Villa Decius Association
ul. 28 Lipca 17a, 30-233 Kraków
tel. +48 12 425 36 44
fax +48 12 425 36 63

(17.04.2007) ZDROJ: Villa Decius Association
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