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Workshop na téma interaktivní textilie

Dánské studio Diffus Design, kombinující počítačovou technologii s tradičními materiály, pořádá ve dnech 1 až 4. června 2010 čtyřdenní pracovní laboratoř na téma interaktivní textilie, měkké elektrické obvody a alternativní energie. Seminář proběhne v Ateliéru Nord v Oslu. Podmínkou účasti na semináři je zkušenost s interaktivními textiliemi a programováním. Na seminář je možné se přihlásit do 15. května 2010.
Interactive textiles and how textiles visualize the environment and power my mobile.

From 1st till 4th of June, Diffus Design holds a four-day worklab at Atelier Nord.

Diffus is a design company, working with theoretical and practical approach towards art, design, architecture and new media.

The theme of the worklab is interactive textiles, soft circuits and alternative energy.

We will investigate different kinds of textile conductive techniques, use of photovoltaic materials and Arduino Lilypads. The worklab will include an individual introduction to the Lilypad, programming and conductive materials. The final result will be a group project presented to the public, making an environmental statement with alternative use of solar cells, LEDs, optical fibers, thermochromic ink or other materials that offers an interactive approach to textiles.

We are working from the point of view that what you see is what you get. Electronics and circuits are not hidden, but become a crucial part of the expression and the aesthetics. There has always to some degree been alienation in the relation between man and technology – on the other hand textiles are the most integrated materials in our everyday life. What happens when new technology gets integrated with the well-known textiles. Our everyday use of textiles combined with our everyday need for electronic devices to guide and amuse us will be the essential starting point of the workshop, theoretically as well as practically.

The worklab is a part of the e-textile project Soft Technology at Atelier Nord. The project is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council and Nordic Culture Point.

Experience with e-textiles and programming is required.
Apply to participate in the worklab by using this form.

Application deadline: 15 May 2010.

Participants fee: NOK 500.
(05.05.2010) ZDROJ: Atelier Nord
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