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Experimentální program v oblasti umění, politiky a pedagogiky

Paříž, Francie Program SPEAP (Programme of experimentation in arts and politics) je program pro vědecký, umělecký a pedagogický experiment. SEAP staví na iniciativě Bruna Latoura  francouzského sociologa vědy, antropologa a významného teoretika v oblasti výzkumu vědy a technologií působícího na Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.  Cílem SPEAP je společně pozorovat, vysvětlovat a hledat cesty jakými můžeme sdílet veřejný prostor. SPEAP též hledá nové modely a způsoby jak vyjádřit politické, ekonomické, ekologické a/nebo vědecké otázky, jež jsou přirozeně kontroverzní. SPEAP není zacílen pouze pro vědu, umění či pedagogiku, ale na jejich vzájemné propojování. SPEAP je program postgraduální zaměřený na mladé mezinárodní profesionály, umělce, vědce a akademické pracovníky.  Program trvá jeden akademický rok. Uzávěrka pro předkládání žádostí je 5. dubna 2012.
Programme of experimentation in arts and politics
Call for applications 2012–2013 

Founded on initiative of Bruno Latour at Sciences Po in 2010, and inspired by the pragmatist tradition (Dewey, James, Lippmann and others), SPEAP is a multidisciplinary programme for scientific, artistic and pedagogical experimentation. Here, young professionals from a wide variety of backgrounds bring their knowledge and methods to bear on concrete societal and political issues, put their convictions to the test through exchange, inquiry, workshops, real-world issues, and think through the consequences of their interventions. SPEAP's aim is to collectively observe, explain, and explore together ways of creating a shared public space as well as new modes of expression for political, economic, ecological and/or scientific questions that are necessarily controversial.

An innovative pedagogy
SPEAP is not a program in the sciences, in politics, or in the arts. Indeed, these disciplines are not explored in sequence, one after the other, but rather together and collectively. They converge, around common objects, in a range of classes, pedagogical experiments and experiences, and entirely novel modes of working, which partake of both social scientific and artistic approaches. This is why teaching is based on multiple interactions, moments of reflection and exchange as well as disagreement, which are all part and parcel of the SPEAP experience.

SPEAP program runs for one academic year. The curriculum demands significant commitment from participants, however it is structured to allow them to pursue other activities simultaneously. Teaching sessions will require, on average, one full day of attendance a week in addition to four full weeks in the year.

Who is SPEAP for?

SPEAP is a post-graduate programme aimed at young international professionals. It seeks to recruit academics, social scientists, artists (in the broadest possible meaning, including designers and architects), as well as professionals working in the arts and politics.

Information and application form:

Application deadline: April 5, 2012

Contact :
(24.01.2012) ZDROJ: SPEAP
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